Solicitors in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire

Many law firms offer expert legal advice, but how many provide top quality legal services along with a friendly and approachable level of excellent customer service?  Our solicitors in Scunthorpe will be delighted to talk you through any legal issue you have, from conveyancing, divorce and wills to employment and contract law.  Just call our office for a friendly no obligation chat, or call our national number 08082747557 for more information about the QualitySolicitors network of law firms.

At QualitySolicitors we make an effort to get to know our customers and we like to think that visiting us doesn’t have to be inconvenient, or stressful, even if your case might be. 

Our lawyers will always try to get the legal outcome you want and make your home move go quicker and promise that we’ll always be clear and straightforward with you about our costs and the progress of your case.

Your new commercial premises will be both a major expense and a crucial part of your success, so it’s vital you find the right business base at the right kind of terms; terms that will protect and support the growth of your company.

If you have a commercial property, your business will rely upon it to trade. It may be a café, shop, pub, office or warehouse – whatever it is, it needs to be cared for. Our Solicitors in Scunthorpe can advise on leases, laws and litigation so you can carry on doing business.

Buying, selling, leasing or just working from a commercial property is different to a domestic one. Issues that arise are unlikely to be part of a normal conveyance. That’s why we have specialist lawyers that understand commercial property transactions. What remains unchanged is the need to conduct the correct searches, negotiate contracts and resolve issues.

With QualitySolicitors, solicitors in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, there’s no need for you to worry about business law

Make the wrong decisions about your business premises now and you could find that growing your company becomes very difficult.

We are experts in providing clear straightforward legal advice that you can rely on.

Here’s how we’ve helped others looking for new business premises:

  • Conducted a check on local authority Property Use Classes to identify whether trading would be allowed or prohibited in those premises.
  • Conducted a simple local search that highlighted forthcoming town development plans that would have significantly reduced the footfall past prospective business premises.
  • Negotiated a ‘break clause’ to allow a Tenant to terminate a lease without penalty.
  • Clarified whether the landlord or tenant were responsible for maintenance.
  • Identified restrictive covenants on the property that would have restricted trade.
  • Advised on whether a prospective tenant should provide ‘personal guarantees’ to their landlord.
  • Advised on whether a ‘licence to occupy’ provided better value for money than a lease.
  • Advised on legal implications of taking out a mortgage on business premises.


Talking through possibilities like these with an experienced local solicitor can save you much heartache and offer a priceless amount of peace of mind, so you can concentrate on what you do best – running your business!


Why QualitySolicitors?

You needn’t worry about the legal side of getting the right business premises, because we’re happy to handle all of that.

Our Commercial Property Department will be a useful, trusted and affordable member of your team. And we’re not just here to provide the kind of stuffy standard service that you could get anywhere; we’re much more interested in offering you great-value legal advice, not just now but whenever you need help as your business develops and grows.

If you have any questions about finding new business premises then call us free in the first instance, because our Free Initial Assessment service is part of our pledge to anyone who needs legal advice.

In fact, starting from now, and for as long as you deal with a QualitySolicitors firm, we promise to make sure you’ll always know – upfront and before you give us the go-ahead – exactly what you’ll be paying for the legal services you need.

If you want to know how our business law expertise can work in your favour, then contact us on 08082747557 or request a callback.

QualitySolicitors, based in Scunthorpe, offers a dedicated Employment Law Advice Service - so if you want peace of mind as an employer, we take the weight off. Whether you’re newly established, expanding, or restructuring, call us for first-class employment law advice and drive your business forward.

As legislation evolves, in areas such as Shared Parental Leave and Flexible Working Regulations for example, you need to be sure that you're fulfilling all your legal obligations as an employer and maintaining a happy and productive workforce.

Find out about our popular HR Advice Service which will help you to remove some of the worry associated with managing staff and serve as a valuable business investment!

In almost every workplace, disputes between employers and employees can occur from time to time. As an employer, you’ll want to ensure that disputes don’t impact negatively on your business and wherever possible, it’s best to resolve differences directly with your employees. However, when disputes cannot be resolved internally, you may need to attend an employment tribunal.

Employment tribunals usually comprise a panel that includes an employment judge and two non-legal people who have experience in the world of business. Witnesses may be put forward for both the employer and the employee and after hearing the case, the panel will reach a legally-binding decision.

Defending Unfair or Wrongful Dismissal Pricing & Timescale Information 

At QualitySolicitors, our knowledgeable employment solicitors are here to guide you through the entire process. We’ll help you avoid a tribunal where possible by finding alternative ways to deal with disputes. And if you do need to attend a hearing, we will ensure you are fully prepared – supporting you with everything from documentation to obtaining witness statements. We’ll clearly outline all of your options and responsibilities from the start so that together we can plan the best course of action. We’ll make sure you and your business are represented fairly and will ensure you are informed and in control throughout the process.

Employment law changes regularly and can sometimes seem complex but we pride ourselves on explaining everything in straightforward terms, clearly addressing any concerns you may have.

At QualitySolicitors, our solicitors based in Scunthorpe, can help you take some time to check the health of your business. Do you have the appropriate legalities in place, where are you at risk and what needs an update are all questions we help you to answer.

Every business is aware they have certain legal obligations. Taking time to review your business and the law in a proactive way can be helpful.

Is your business structure right for you?

Would a limited liability partnership be more apt? Is your business lease due for review soon? What if key employees were to leave, what legal safeguards do you have to protect your business and to prevent them taking your customers or ideas?

Succession Planning

What happens in the event of a retirement or worse still, the death of a director or shareholder? Our Asscoiate Solicitor for Wills, Sarah Inman, is an experienced in advising businesses on how to safeguard their assets and plan for the future.

When you decide to run a business, there are times when you need a little help and support. Support with legal matters. Matters that help you take your business where you need it to go. QualitySolicitors Bradbury Roberts & Raby understands what this feels like.

Perhaps you need support in the management of your staff? In addition to ad-hoc advice, why not find out more about our HR Advice Service, which represents excellent value for money for unlimited assistance on standard Employment Law matters.

We can also offer tailored solutions to Succession Planning. Have you thought about what would happen to your business if something should happen to you and how would it affect your co-directors, shareholders or employees?

If you are buying a new business or selling one you own, or are in the process of merging or investing, expert legal advice ensures your deal is done properly. Many business owners across the UK trust QualitySolicitors to take care of their deal.

Any business transaction is complex - even the seemingly straightforward ones. QualitySolicitors have a number of solicitors based in and around Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire and our specialist lawyers ensure that you and your business are protected from the start.

For example, what about confidentiality agreements? Is your deal properly and legally reflected in your contract? What issues did the due diligence process uncover - and have these been resolved? Are there any tax implications for your business premises? What rights do your employees have?

You will face so many questions. QualitySolicitors can help business owners like you with the answers. We work with business owners across the UK who trust us with their deal. We make complex legal matters easy to understand by using plain and simple English. Our likely costs are explained at the start so you don’t get any nasty surprises. And we deal with your queries promptly as we know your time is precious.

Why is succession planning important?

Your business is likely to be a major asset in your estate. You have worked hard to make it a success and it’s important to make sure that, if something happens to you, the benefits pass to the right people in a timely and tax-efficient manner.

We would recommend you create a Will that is tailored to your individual business needs as well as making sure that your family and loved ones are properly provided for.

A Succession Plan requires careful thought - so do it when the road ahead looks clear, not when there are problems!

What you need to consider depends on how you own your business.

Sole traders

You should consider whether the business would continue after your death, or whether it would be wound up or sold on as a going concern. You need to appoint appropriate executors and trustees who could handle the sale and then account to your beneficiaries for the sale proceeds.

If you do not have a Will in place then the statutory intestacy rules (also downloadable from the side of this page) would govern who had the power to wind up your business and also ultimately who it would go to. In particular, if you are not married to your partner, or if you have young children, it is likely to prove costly and time consuming to resolve everything.

An important point to note is that if you have a Will, your executors have authority to deal with your estate and business straight away. If there is no Will, the administrators of your estate do not have authority to deal with your business until a Grant of Representation is obtained. This can take a few weeks or even months to get from the Probate Registry.


If your business is run as a partnership, you and your business partners should have a partnership agreement in place as well as a Will. Without a detailed partnership agreement, on the death of one of you, the partnership may dissolve automatically, despite the wishes of the continuing partners.

A partnership agreement can set out procedures for how a deceased partner’s share would be valued on death, and how that share would be paid for by the continuing partners – for example, by monthly instalments to make it more affordable for the business.

Limited Companies

With a limited company, the asset that you are leaving behind is your shares in the company, rather than the assets that the company owns.

You need to consider whether you want the shares to pass to your beneficiaries, or whether you want your executors to sell the shares and for the sale proceeds to pass to your beneficiaries.

In addition, if your shareholding is a controlling interest in the company, you need to consider whether you want this to be kept intact by having the entire shareholding transferred to one beneficiary, or whether you want to divide it up amongst the family so that no individual beneficiary holds all the power.

The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company should also be checked to see whether there are restrictions on the transfer of shares, known as pre-emption rights. Often the Articles will include a clause stating that any shares to be sold or transferred must first be offered to the existing shareholders. Alternatively, there may be a restriction on transferring the shares to anyone who is not an existing shareholder.

As with a Partnership, you might also like to consider preparing a shareholders agreement to sit alongside your Will. A shareholders agreement can (amongst other things) fix the price to be paid for shares when one shareholder dies. They can also give surviving shareholders a right of first refusal on the death of one shareholder; and a right for surviving shareholders to pay for the shares in instalments.

Key Person Insurance

As well as making a will and considering whether you need any other documents to sit alongside it, it may also be worth considering Key Person Insurance. It could be advantageous to take out life cover which would provide a lump sum payment to your partners or other shareholders on your death, so that they have a lump sum to be able to buy your share of the business immediately following your death. If you are going to take out an insurance policy for their benefit, you need to ensure that they do not simply keep the insurance payout on death – so in this case, a partnership agreement or shareholders agreement is vital.

Inheritance tax

Your business may quality for “business property relief” so that it is 100% exempt from inheritance tax.

You should take proper advice from both your solicitor and your accountant as to whether your business assets would qualify for business property relief. The relevant assets must have been owned for at least 2 years prior to your death and the business must not just be an investment company.

Our Free Initial Assessment can provide you with an initial and basic assessment of your legal requirements, at no cost to you. It's the perfect way to have a no obligation chat with a legal expert in complete confidence.

If you’d like a more detailed discussion with a solicitor then take advantage of our fixed fee Ask the Legal Expert service. We can answer any questions you might have and advise you on the next steps and any costs involved.

Finally, our Clear Price Guarantee means that we'll give you a full breakdown of costs in advance so there are no nasty surprises when you receive your bill.

Whenever you start a new job, it's crucial to know exactly what your role and responsibilities and are as an employee and the overall expectations that your employer has of you. Similarly, you are entitled to know what to expect of your employer. Establishing a clear contract of employment is crucial to creating a good working relationship from the get go and minimising difficulties further down the line.

Contracts can be detailed documents, but they can just as easily be vague, or contain something you're unsure about or unhappy with. Perhaps you’ve been asked to sign a contract that you don’t understand, or your employer has suddenly presented you with a revision to an existing contract and you're worried about how that will impact on you.

Whatever the situation, bear in mind that that even if you don’t sign a contract, but have accepted the job offer, it's assumed that you have accepted it's terms and conditions. So make sure that you fully understand what is expetced of you before you agree to both.

Being discriminated at work unfairly is extremely stressful and can make it hard to concentrate and therefore affect productivity. It may well be that someone is prejudiced against you and they are making it difficult to do your job. If that's the case you should seek expert legal advice on discrimination in the workplace in order to achieve fair treatment, or perhaps consider making a claim against your employer.

What types of discrimination might you encounter at work?

It's an unfortunate fact of life that, even in today's workplace, you may be treated differently because of your gender, race, religion, age, or sexual orientation. Similarly you may be discriminated against because you are pregnant, or have a disability.

Whatever the reason, discrimination is upsetting and totally unacceptable - but it is also illegal. Dealing with it alone, particularly if you're unsure of how best to handle, it can be extremely difficult. It can also be counter-productive because you may say or do something that could affect your case should you choose to pursue it at a later date.

What to do about discrimination in the workplace

Any individual - or business - can be challenged as to why they allowed discriminatory behaviour to occur and, ultimately, they can be asked to explain this to a court called an Employment Tribunal.

If you are experiencing any type of discrimination, there are legal procedures that you can follow. First of all you should make a log of every occurence as it happens, so that you can evidence your situation when required.

If you believe that you've been treated unfairly by your employer, or been unfairly dismissed, you may want to take expert legal advice on what your options are. More often that not, it’s possible to resolve workplace disputes directly with your employer but if you haven't been successful, you may be considering taking your employer to an employment tribunal.

How does an Employment Tribunal work?

PLEASE NOTE: You only have 3 months from the date of dismissal, or the date the unfair treatment last occurred, to apply for a tribunal hearing.

Employment tribunals consist of a panel that includes an employment judge and two people who aren't from a legal background, but who have business experience. Tribunals are used to address a wide variety of employment disputes from pay and workplace discrimination, to unfair dismissals. Witnesses for both the employee and employer can provide supporting evidence at the hearing. Then, once all the evidence has been presented, the panel will reach a decision, which is legally binding.

Redundancy can be an emotional and stressful experience. or it may be that you're resigned to it and just need to know about the practicalities of moving forward. Either way, it’s natural to have lots of questions.

Redundancy points to consider

If you're facing redundancy, you’ll want to know if it's fair and what the notice period is that your employers have to give you. Most importantly, you'll want to know what are you entitled to in terms of redundancy pay, so you can budget accordingly.

The majority of employers follow the correct procedures and offer employee support during this challenging period. However, if you have concerns about any, or all of these issues, make sure you seek expert legal advice from specialist redundancy solicitors.

Time limit of 3 months for claiming unfair dismissal

If you feel that you have been made redundant unfairly, then you’ll want to take action as soon as possible. It’s important to act quickly as you only have three months (less 1 day), from the end of your employment, to claim for unfair dismissal.

Our redundancy solicitors have in-depth experience of dealing with redundancy cases and will provide all the help and advice you need to ensure the best possible outcome. We’ll expalin redundancy law, in plain English without legal jargon, so that you can start to plan your next steps. With our help, you’ll quickly understand what you are entitled to and how to achieve the best outcome for your future.

Employment Tribunal

If your case cannot be resolved directly with your employer then it may progress to an employment tribunal. If this proves to be the best course of action, we will support you through the process, helping you to understand your rights and entitlements at every step.

When your employment ends, you may sometimes be asked to sign a Settlement Agreement formerly referred to as a Compromise Agreement.

Why might an Employer offer a Settlement Agreement?

When the decision is taken to end an employment relationship, it can be a time of uncertainty. Disputes can arise over the decision to dismiss. Directors can fall out over future business strategy or investment decisions. You may feel your position is untenable or that your employer wants you to resign and is forcing you to do so. A Settlement Agreement provides an opportunity for a clean break for both the Employer and Employee.

What is a Settlement Agreement or Compromise Agreement?

A Settlement Agreement is a legally binding document that brings an employment relationship to an end. The agreement has the effect of compromising any claims an employee might have against the employer arising out of their employment or its termination in return for an agreed sum of money payable by the employer to the employee.

When entering into a Settlement Agreement it is a legal requirement that the Employee obtains independent legal advice and the solicitor providing that advice signs a certificate confirming their eligibility to provide the advice. It is common practice for the employer to pay for the advice.

We are careful to explain things to you in plain English, without legal jargon so that should you decide to sign the agreement, you understand exactly what you are agreeing to.

However, signing this type of agreement may not always be the best route, as your individual circumstances could dictate alternative options.

If you feel that you’re being unfairly treated at work, it can be a stressful and confusing time. The good news is, you’re not alone. Our employment law solicitors have helped lots of people in similar situations and can provide the help and advice you need to resolve issues quickly.

Our specialist Employment Law Team, based in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, is highly experienced in dealing with unfair treatment at work, whatever the particular issue might be.

PLEASE NOTE: It’s important to act fast if you’ve been treated unfairly at work, particularly if you have been unfairly dismissed as you have just three months from the last day of your employment to make a claim.

Once we hear from you, we can get things moving quickly - so the best advice is to get in touch as soon as possible.

Unfair treatment can come in many forms from being bullied to simply being treated differently from your colleagues. Whatever your situation, it’s natural to feel worried or concerned about what action to take for the best.

Our employment solicitors have a great deal of experience in dealing with the problems you may be facing. We'll answer your questions, explaining your rights and suggesting the best course of action for you to take.

We’ll chat with you to see whether you have a valid case and if so, explain costs and timescales involved and support you to ensure you receive the outcome you deserve.

There may be a variety of reasons. What the law thinks of this is very simple. A name change is acceptable unless it seeks to defraud or has some criminal benefit.

You could simply ask people to call you by your new name without going thorugh the legal process. However, you should bear in mind that authorities and other organisation more readily accept a legal document than just your word. Therefore, a deed poll or statutory declaration is the more sensible option if you wish to avoid future problems.

How we can help you change your name

The specialist Family Law Team at QualitySolicitors Bradbury Roberts & Raby, can help you change your name simply and easily.

One of our legal experts will draw up a change of name deed and carry out the proper procedure to ensure its legal status. If there are any associated matters to the change of name deed, we can discuss this with you at the time.

You may also wish to change the surnames of your children if they are of a certain age. This requires certain consents, but we would explain this in plain English, withought legal jargon.

When a relationship breaks down, one aspect that can become complicated for those involved is finances. During time together, parties can acquire assets such as houses, cars and savings accounts which, upon breakdown of the relationship, are sometimes difficult to distribute or allocate to a party.

There are a number of different ways that finances can be dealt with, including obtaining a Financial Order from the court, or by way of agreement through negotiation or Mediation. Any separation agreement provides a working contract between the parties. Also, any settlement that is agreed within any court proceedings, can be tied up by way of a Consent Order or alternatively by an order from the court.

One important aspect of finances is that of ‘Financial Disclosure’, which requires both parties to be completely honest about all their assets and liabilities. Financial Disclosure must be both full and frank - which allows you and your legal representative, if instructed, to have a good understanding of both parties’ positions. This will attract fairness throughout any process.


One way of dealing with finances can be by negotiation. The most common form of negotiation is by way of direct discussions with the other side, or, if you are legally represented, through your Solicitors.


There is a requirement for those wishing to obtain a Financial Order from the court to first attend Mediation. This allows parties the opportunity to agree their finances between them, or alternatively opens the pathway to court proceedings. There are, however, exemptions to this requirement, which your legal advisor can discuss with you, or alternatively, look on Mediation websites.

Cosmetic surgery is big business, both in private clinics and the NHS, as people become more aware of what can be done to make them look and feel better about themselves. Unlike other areas of medical treatment, cosmetic surgery is not as tightly regulated and sometimes the drugs, procedures and implants used are not as rigorously tested as they should be.

Consequently, things can sometimes go wrong and leave patients unhappy with the results of their treatment. In the worst cases, patients even end up with permanent scarring, serious injuries or nasty infections.

If you have had cosmetic surgery that has gone wrong, you could be a victim of medical negligence. If so, you may be able to claim compensation for any physical and mental suffering and for any financial costs you have incurred as a result.

Most trips to the dentist are uneventful but on those rare occasions when things go wrong you may be left in significant pain and discomfort. On rare occasions a patient can be left with life-changing or life-limiting conditions.

If you have received dental treatment that has not gone according to plan, or your health has deteriorated because your dentist failed to spot a more serious problem, such as oral cancer, you could be a victim of medical negligence. If so, you may be entitled to compensation for any physical or mental suffering and for any financial costs you have incurred. Our experts in the law of negligence, particularly in cases involving dentists, and can advise you on whether you have a valid claim as well as seeking compensation on your behalf.

Have a question or need some help? Call 0808 274 7557

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This is why, in the first instance, most people looking for legal help in relation to a 'Home And Property' call QualitySolicitors for a Free Initial Assessment over the phone before requesting our Ask the Legal Expert service; which is an introductory 45-minute face-to-face consultation for £99.

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