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Arrangements for children

When a relationship breaks down and children are involved, your main concern will be to protect their wellbeing. So it is good to know that at Quality Solicitors we make your children our number one priority too.

Throughout all the practical considerations that are required during a separation or divorce, we never lose sight of the fact that your children’s physical and emotional wellbeing comes first. Issues regarding arrangements for children also often arise some time after the breakdown of a relationship. It's very important to seek legal advice as early as possible in any potential child dispute.

Our family law solicitors are experienced in helping parents and families make arrangements for children following the breakdown of a relationship. We’ll make sure that everyone involved understands their legal rights and responsibilities whilst ensuring that the views of you and your children are heard.

Of course, children have practical needs as well as emotional ones and it can sometimes be difficult to focus on the best practical solutions when a relationship has broken down. But our family solicitors will bring clarity to your situation. We will clearly explain what arrangements for children need to be considered and help you put things in place to create a more stable and happy future for you and your children.

Shared Care and Joint Custody Arrangements

At Quality Solicitors we are able to provide advice or assistance in cases where a party is seeking shared care arrangements for their child/children, sometimes referred to as joint custody or joint residence. We try to resolve issues without the involvement of the Court where possible so that parties can agree any arrangements for contact (access) and residence (custody) as amicably as possible. In situations where it may not be possible, we are able to advise and assist with Court proceedings in order to resolve any issues to child arrangements.

Reduced Contact and Access

In some circumstances it may be necessary to reduce or suspend contact or access. Sometimes the involvement of secure environments such as contact centres may be necessary. Similary, it may also be appropriate to increase the current arrangements for contact or access. Our specialist family lawyers are able to recognise and advise when such actions are appropriate to assist you in your decision.This also includes important decisions such as removing a child from the country permanently, otherwise referred to as removal from jurisdiction. We provide you with the advice to enable you to make the decisions you deem to be in your childs best interests at every stage.

Father's Rights For Custody

Our team of family lawyers are able to advise or assist fathers on any issues relating to child arrangements, such as access disputes or residence disputes. We are also able to advise on issues surrounding parental responsibility.

Our Family lawyers in Eastbourne, Hailsham, Seaford, Newhaven and Peacehaven in East Sussex all have the experience required to be able to provide you with reliable, detailed and relevant legal advice. We often have clients instruct us who are based in the surrounding areas such as Brighton, Lewes, Uckfield, Heathfield, Bexhill and Battle.

Free Legal Advice

At Quality Solicitors, we use plain English - not legal jargon. We will explain everything in a way that is clear and easy to understand. Our Family team also offer free initial advice and will explain the costs and timescales involved up front so you always know your options and what to expect. So for friendly, confidential advice about prenuptial agreements, contact us today on 0808 196 3305 to speak to one of our Family solicitors, lawyers or legal executives.

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