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Wills, Probate and Elderly Client Services

Quality Solicitors has a friendly, experienced and motivated team dedicated to dealing with Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, administration of the deceased’s estate, trusts, tax planning and the needs of the elderly.

Writing Wills:

Quality Solicitors, the Law Society and Consumer Groups agree that all adults, however old or young, should make a Will to ensure that their property passes to their chosen beneficiaries upon their death. Without a Will the State decide who should inherit your assets. Making a Will is usually quite simple, but we can guide you through any problems that might arise.

We offer a Wills service tailored to your needs. For any event, you will be advised by an experienced will practitioner, who will prepare you well after an interview when you have the opportunity to explain your specific requirements. We will be happy to retain the original of your new Will in our strong room without charge.

Administration of Deceased's Estates:

We approach our work in a positive and professional manner, dealing expertly with Estates of all sizes. We can advise on Inheritance Tax issues and deal with the Estates where there is no Will (known as intestacy). We will also advise on possible variations to the gifts in a Will or on intestacy to address changes that the Beneficiaries may wish to make or to affect Inheritance Tax savings.


A Trust is often seen as a complex area of law, which only affects "other people". This is not necessarily the case and indeed in one way or another, we are all affected by Trusts. The Trust is simply a procedure whereby one person (the legal owner) holds property on Trust for another person or persons who are entitled to the benefit of such property. Trusts do not need to be complicated, can be quite inexpensive and can result in a substantial tax savings. A Trust may be designed to protect the interests of young children, the elderly or infirm.

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) and the Affairs of the Elderly:

Quality Solicitors firmly believe that every adult has the right to manage their personal finances and affairs. However we must all recognise that our ability to manage may diminish with advancing years. Problems may arise if we do not make appropriate preparations.

We can assist in a number of practical ways to help you prepare for this eventuality. One example is choosing someone to take a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to enable them to assist you during your lifetime in the management of your financial affairs. It’s never too early to consider this, we encourage our clients to make an LPA at an early stage as an insurance policy for the future.

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