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Specialist Health and Community Care Legal Team at the Care & Demential Show, NEC, Birmingham

The Health and Community Care Team at QualitySolicitors Moore and Tibbits have been busy this week at the NEC’s Care and Dementia show, the annual exhibition designed to educate and raise awareness to those working in the Care Sector.

We were delighted to be involved in the Care and Dementia Show.  As a firm we provide training and support to the Voluntary Sector and Care providers about  the legal aspects of arranging and paying for care.  The ongoing budget cuts and the recent implementation of the Care Act 2014 means that families need up-to-date and transparent information in relation to care fees.  Unfortunately however, Care Homes and Home Care Agencies often find this delicate subject uncomfortable to tackle particularly when families are often extremely stressed  arranging  care for their loved one.  As a result, providers are left in difficulties securing payment for their services at an appropriate contractual rate and families face the heart wrenching possibility of having to move their loved one again when their money runs out.

The 2 day exhibition was packed with people working in the Care industry and was an excellent opportunity for our team to share expertise and ideas for improving services to clients.  As a result of the show, we are already booking new talks and training sessions to both care providers, individuals and their family members.

If you would like to book a talk or training session, please email or call us on 01926 491181.

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