The specialist team, headed by Debbie Anderson provides advice and representation to service users, carers and families regarding the legal aspects of care including:
• Social care assessments and care fees
• Entitlement to NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding
• Retrospective claims for care fees
• Mental capacity and Best Interest Decisions
• Adult Safeguarding
• Powers of Attorney and the Court of Protection
• Wills, Probate and Inheritance Tax Planning
The team also includes a Registered General Nurse, Judy Timson. Judy has over 30 years experience working in the NHS, including dealing with continuing healthcare assessments, appeals and retrospective claims. Judy’s clinical knowledge complements our multi-disciplinary legal team.
In conjunction with Age UK Warwickshire, free legal advice clinics are held at various locations throughout Warwickshire and we offer discounted rates for Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney for the over 50’s through these clinics.
Debbie and her team are regularly invited as guest speakers by organisations including the Alzheimer’s Society, Warwickshire Reminiscence Action Project (WRAP), Citizens Advice Bureau and Older People in Action to name a few. These talks raise awareness of the Care Act 2014, health and social care generally and mental capacity as well as talking about Lasting Powers of Attorney and the importance of Wills.
The team also provide staff training at Care Homes regarding mental capacity, best interests, safeguarding and NHS continuing healthcare and CQC compliance.
Debbie Anderson says:
“We are extremely excited about our expanding team moving to Westgate House and are proud to be able to meet the ever growing legal needs of the people of Warwickshire”.
If you need any advice regarding the legal aspects of care, please call our team today on 01926 491181