The seminars are taking place in the following locations:
20.10.16 Hill Close Gardens, Bread and Meat Close, Warwick, CV34 6HF
10.11.16 Lutterworth Golf Club, Rugby Road, Lutterworth, LE17 4HN
24.11.16 Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, Lower Smite Farm, Smite Hill, Hindlip, Worcester, WR3 8SZ
Areas that will be covered include:
- How the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and best interests affect your work
- The Care Act 2014 18 months on
- Legal challenges so far
- Common problems
- Ombudsman reports
- Financial issues relating to care including:
- Reablement
- Top-ups and choice
- When the money runs out
- Continuing healthcare funding - myth busting!
- Deprivation of liberty v. Mental Health Act 1983
- Section 117
- Powers of the Attorney and powers of the Courts
- Conflicts
- Gifting and maintenance
- Statutory Wills
- Deprivation of assets - a step too far?
- Recent cases
- IFA's and care in later life
- Planning ahead
- Top tips to support your clients
If you are interested in attending any of the above seminars, please contact esmeh@moore-tibbits to secure your place.