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Legal Updates for Care Follow Up

We had a fantastic turn out at our recent Legal Updates for Care seminar for independent financial advisers in Warwick.

Our speakers, Debbie Anderson and Louise Courtney spoke about:

  • The Care Act 2014, 18 months on,
  • Financial issues relating to care including deprivation of assets and top-ups
  • NHS continuing healthcare
  • How the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and best interests affect the work of an independent financial adviser
  • Powers of the Attorney and powers of the Court of Protection including gifting
  • Will planning and care fees
  • Statutory wills.

95% of attendees rated the seminar as excellent

Some quotes from the feedback forms of attendees:

 "Best CPD session for a very long time!"

"Very useful seminar and probably one of the best I've attended.  Liked how it was 100% informational and technical"

"Clearly passionate and knowledgeable about your subject"

"Thank you for your very helpful and useful seminar which has really helped to increase my awareness of the issues and the need to obtain proper advice"

We are also holding this seminar in Lutterworth on the 10th November and Worcester on the 24th November.  If you are interested in attending these events, please email:



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