We receive calls from families every day requesting advice and support to help them navigate our complicated and overloaded care system. Many clients tell us that they are not getting enough information, at the right time, to help them decide about their care. People who pay privately for their care (‘self-funders’) feel particularly isolated, often being handed a booklet and left to get on with arranging support on their own. These problems are even worse when faced with the added pressure of hospital discharge which always seem to be last minute and urgent, forcing people to make huge decisions about their own or a loved one’s care at very short notice.
In these circumstances, vital assessments such as NHS continuing healthcare can be rushed, or missed out altogether meaning that families could be losing out on financial help with their care costs.
Then there are the ongoing worries: what happens when the money runs out? Will I be forced to move into a care home, or to a different care home? Do I have to be separated from my husband / wife? Do I have to accept the first care home I am offered? What will happen to my house? How can I get help with all my caring responsibilities? Why is my NHS continuing health care funding being withdrawn? Where can I get help?
Here at Moore & Tibbits we have a dedicated Health and Community Care team. We provide support and representation, enabling you to tackle the difficulties of arranging and paying for care. We have legal and medical experts with expertise in social care, NHS continuing healthcare, paying for care, mental capacity, best interest decision making and much more.
But we also stand by our mantra “Prepare for care”. Whilst none of us know what the future holds, we can get organised! Making Lasting Powers of Attorney and Wills are vital to keep control of your affairs, but knowledge is also important. Learn more about health and social care and local issues, BEFORE you encounter a crisis. Contact our friendly team today for more information, alternatively you can sign up for our free newsletter, visit us at a free local legal clinic, or book a free talk for your local support group by calling 01926 491181 and ask for Esme or email esmeh@moore-tibbits.co.uk.