- Are there any care arrangements in place if a PA is sick or on annual leave?
- Have alternative options of providing essential ongoing care and support been explored? i.e. does the individual receive another source of paid support? Can family members step in?
- Can alternative care providers provide support as a contingency plan if there are issues in continuation of personal assistant support?
- Are individuals care and support plans easily accessible to PA/ care providers?
If a PA cannot provide care due to being in self-isolation because of contraction of COVID -19 the employer must contact the designated adult social care team or Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as the provider of the direct payments to arrange alternative care.
Do you or a relative buy care and support via direct payment (i.e. home care agency)? If so, you need to consider the following:
- Discuss with your care agency about your situation and the possibility of any contingency plans and procedures if your carer cannot provide a package of care.
- Ensure that all care providers have up to date details as to your specific care and support plans and needs.
- If you use Direct Payments to purchase other types of support – speak to the provider about the ability to deliver this service during lockdown.
If your care arrangements have been impacted and your care agency cannot provide any alternative options, speak to your designated adult social care team or CCG team who provide your direct payments.
During these unprecedented times, Local Authorities and CCGs are encouraged to adopt a flexible approach as to how direct payments are used to support individuals in the community with care needs. Therefore requests to Local Authorities and CCGs for payment to family members to provide care should be acknowledged and considered in relation to the person’s care needs.
For full details of the Goverment guidance, please click here.
If you have any queries regarding direct payments, our team are here to help you and provide support and guidance during these challenging times. Please call 01926 354704 or contact Debbie or Charlotte below.