Remember a Charity in your Will Week

On the 5th July 2015, to help raise awareness of leaving a gift to charity in your Will, seven Extreme Will Writers, an Extreme Solicitor (our very own Iain Wanstall, he’s the one in yellow below) and many others, got together to write a gift in their will in the most extreme circumstance they could think of – by jumping out of a plane, named after us, at 10,000 feet!!.


Watch the video here

QualitySolicitors are proud to support the Remember a Charity in your Will Week which is taking place during the week 7th to 13th September 2015.

The annual awareness week is designed to encourage people to consider leaving a gift to charity when writing their Wills. 

Supporting a charity in your Will can make a significant difference. Gifts in Wills are the foundation of many of Britain’s charities, creating almost £2 billion each year which is the equivalent of 19 Comic Reliefs. Without this income, many charities would simply not exist and others would have to cut crucial services. Leaving gifts to charities can also benefit your family and loved ones by reducing inheritance tax.   

To support this worthy campaign, QualitySolicitors are offering a 20% discount off our standard fees for all Wills which we are asked to prepare between 7th and 21st September 2015 (now extended to 28th September 2015). You don’t have to leave a gift to a charity to qualify for this discount but we’re sure that it would be very much appreciated if you did!!

If you would like further information about making a Will please contact us today.

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