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Employment law

We make employment law easy to understand and straightforward to implement. We know that every business is different and our employment solicitors will work hard to address the particular challenges you face. We won’t baffle you with legal jargon but will always be on hand to provide help and support when you need it, keeping you informed every step of the way.

So if you're looking for friendly, local employment law advice, give us a call. We offer a same-day response and with our free, initial, over-the-phone advice, you can talk to us in complete confidence and find out what your options are.

Having an expert readily at hand to deal with any Human Resources matter can be a comfort. QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright expert lawyers work with business owners, executives and Human Resources professionals to support their workplace needs.

Some businesses have a Human Resources department. Some do not. Knowing there is an expert who can help your business with any Human Resources matter is reassuring. Drafting contracts of employment, writing policies and procedures, advising on or dealing with disciplinary issues, company handbooks and training are all topics a Human Resources service can assist with.

A Human Resources advice service fits around your needs. They can deal with your matters as and when they arise. Some businesses like to know they have someone retained. Whatever works for your business, you will know what the costs are, what this includes and how it operates.

To find out how QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright can help your business, contact us on 01905 721600.

Every business needs basic policies and procedures. Having basic rules in the workplace makes certain everyone knows what to do. QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright can ensure your employment documentation is taken care of.

Good administration makes running business more straightforward. Having written terms of employment, an employee handbook, proper policies and procedures - like ones that take care of discipline and grievance - makes sure employees know what’s expected of them. And it makes sure you treat people fairly, consistently every time.

QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright helps you get the basics in place. We draft documentation that is bespoke to you. Everything we do is tailored - our employment lawyers make sure they understand your business to best support your needs. All prepared in plain, simple English - not legal jargon. Before we start work we explain likely timescales and costs. If your administration is out of date, we can update as we go. And we can help you train in new policies and procedures too.

To make certain your administration is sound, contact one of our expert employment solicitors on 01905 721600.

When your business needs to make changes it may result in redundancies. QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright can help you restructure professionally and fairly.

Restructuring may look to make your business more successful. Or it may be required, unavoidable. Whatever the reason, it is important that those affected are treated fairly and proper procedures are followed. Informing employees and involving them throughout is less likely to lead to litigation when you take the final decision.

If you think redundancies are likely or you’re planning some kind of reorganisation, QualitySolicitors parkinson Wright expert lawyers can advise you on what you need to think about. Our advice is pragmatic and straightforward. We make certain we understand what you are hoping to achieve. We explain the likely outcomes, discuss options and make certain you know the relevant laws. Our advice is jargon free and we always say what our likely costs will be. Many other businesses have successfully worked with us to restructure.

Choosing QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright means you will have access to some of the best lawyers in Worcestershire. Contact us on 01905 721600.

Workplace disputes can often feel like a drain on management time. QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright helps you to deal with them correctly, fairly and in a timely manner.

In almost every workplace, disputes between employers and employees can occur from time to time. As an employer, you’ll want to ensure that disputes don’t impact negatively on your business and wherever possible, it’s best to resolve differences directly with your employees. However, when disputes cannot be resolved internally, you may need to attend an employment tribunal.

Employment tribunals usually comprise a panel that includes an employment judge and two non-legal people who have experience in the world of business. Witnesses may be put forward for both the employer and the employee and after hearing the case, the panel will reach a legally-binding decision.

At QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright, our knowledgeable employment solicitors are here to guide you through the entire process. We’ll help you avoid a tribunal where possible by finding alternative ways to deal with disputes. And if you do need to attend a hearing, we will ensure you are fully prepared – supporting you with everything from documentation to obtaining witness statements. We’ll clearly outline all of your options and responsibilities from the start so that together we can plan the best course of action. We’ll make sure you and your business are represented fairly and will ensure you are informed and in control throughout the process.

Employment law changes regularly and can sometimes seem complex but at QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright we explain everything in straightforward terms, clearly addressing any concerns you may have. If you’d like to have an informal conversation to find out what your options are, we offer a free, initial over-the-phone chat. So for confidential and friendly advice, contact us today on 01905 721600.

QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright prides itself in acting for a number of schools both in the Independent and State Funded Sectors.

We are fully aware of the regulatory regimes within which schools have to operate and in particular of the current issues facing the Education Sector.

We understand that managing a school in whatever sector raises a number of complex legal issues which require specialist professional advice. We also understand that every school has its own ethos within which such issues need to be resolved.

We therefore ensure that we build a relationship with all the schools for whom we act and become familiar with the particular issues that they face. Each school is provided with a dedicated Partner who is not only an adviser but a specialist mentor and friend to the school, its senior management team and governors. A number of our Partners do also serve as governors for schools for whom we act.

That Partner is supported by our specialist education team who between them have a wealth of experience in dealing with the numerous issues that affect the Education Sector including:-

  • Property
  • Planning and Construction
  • Governance, Corporate and Regulatory issues
  • Charity and Public Benefit.
  • Employment and Human Resources
  • Education and Pupils
  • Parent Relationships
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Commercial Contract and Intellectual Property Issues
  • Data Protection
  • Admission Arrangements and Appeals
  • Dispute Resolution

The advice that we give is specialist, pragmatic and cost effective. Please feel free to contact our specialist education team to discuss the ways in which we can be of assistance to you.

The law requires you to protect other people's personal information or data. Knowing what counts as personal data is important, as is how you manage or process this data, how you store it and what you need to do when you receive a 'subject access request.'

Our specialist lawyers are on hand to deal with your enquiries in relation to these issues.

QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright can help you to check the health of your business. Do you have the appropriate legalities in place, where are you at risk and what needs an update are all questions we can help you to answer.

Every business is aware they have certain legal obligations. Taking time to review your business and the law in a proactive way can be helpful. Is your business structure still right for you? Would a limited liability partnership be more apt? What happens in the event of a retirement or worse still, the death of a director or shareholder? Is your business lease due for review soon? What if key employees were to leave, what legal safeguards do you have to protect your business and to prevent them taking your customers or ideas?

Conducting a legal health check can help you step back from your business. It can help you think how well protected it is. QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright can help you conduct a legal health check. You will be asked to share your documents with one of our expert lawyers. Options will be discussed, advice offered in simple terms without any legal jargon. If you decide to take action, likely costs, timescales and actions will be confirmed. And if no action is required, you can rest assure your business is in a healthy condition.

To find out about the QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright legal health check, please contact us on 01905 721600.

The decision to transfer a business is often straightforward. Ensuring the relevant legislation is not forgotten is where QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright can help.

There are certain legal requirements that have to be observed when a business is transferred. Failure to do so is a problem. Employees are protected and you need to know what this means. What you can do in a transfer, and what you cannot. If you are being transferred, it helps if you know what should happen.

QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright helps many businesses to plan and mange a transfer. Employee rights are paramount in avoiding litigation. Our expert lawyers can meet with you to listen to what your plans are. We explain what you need to do, and help make it happen. We always explain your options and the issues using plain English. And we clearly say what the likely timescales and costs are. And if a problem should occur, we are always on hand to help find you a solution.

If you're involved in a business transfer, contact us today on 01905 721600 to see for yourself how we can help.

To do this restrictive covenants are included in the employment contract to restrict the ex-employees activities on leaving employment.

As these clauses are anti-competitive however they are unenforceable unless carefully drafted.

We not only specialise in such drafting to ensure enforceability but also represent our clients in the courts when proceedings for an injunction are required to ensure compliance with the restriction.


Team Members

Jeremy Redfern
Partner, Commercial
Frances Woods
Partner, Head of Litigation
Claire Simon
Solicitor, Personal Injury & Litigation
Jonathan Lewis
Solicitor, Litigation

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