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You can't take it with you!

Neil Orton warns what may happen if you don't have a will

Neil Orton, Probate Manager at QS Charlesworth Nicholl Solicitors in Crediton knows that some of you will in the past have watched programmes like the television series "You can't take it with you" highlighting the pitfalls of making a Will and what might happen if you don't.

"It is surprising to note" says Neil, "that nearly 70% of the adult population do not have a valid Will in place at this time. Naturally some people are nervous about making a Will and feel that this might be some kind of "Death Wish" whilst others believe that their Estate will pass to their chosen family members irrespective of whether they have a Will in place or not".

"The truth is, if you die without having a valid Will in place, you will die "Intestate" and your available Estate will be distributed in accordance with the Intestacy Rules. These Rules do not guarantee that those you wish to inherit will do so and can cause certain hardships such as the forced sale of the matrimonial home in some cases".

"For example two people who co-habit and are not married or in a civil partnership have no right to receive anything from the Estate of their deceased partner regardless of how long they have been living with them".

"The Intestacy Rules can be complex and highlight the need for a proper Will to be prepared to represent your wishes and to ensure that the emotional and financial pain upon your death is minimised. This can be avoided by the preparation of a Will now for a modest expense, which can save pounds in the future".

Neil recommends that everyone who does not have an existing Will in place should give careful thought to making one in order to protect your loved ones when you have gone. If you already have a Will, it should be reviewed regularly.

QS Charlesworth Nicholl take a pride in the service which they deliver for all their clients old and new and are happy to offer a home visit for no extra charge giving you the peace of mind to know that your wishes are carried out professionally and with respect.

Contact Neil Orton on 01363 774706 or

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