Local solicitors in Bedlington and Blyth

With QualitySolicitors Lawson & Thompson, you have top quality legal advice right on your doorstep. Located conveniently in Bedlington and Blyth, all our lawyers are friendly and approachable while offering expert legal advice and guidance whatever your needs. But who are we, and why are we different from other law firms?

If you’re seeking top quality legal advice from solicitors in Bedlington and Blyth, then look no further. We’ve worked very hard on building a superb local reputation over the years; in fact our clients have been depending on our guidance for around thirty years!

Mention the 1980s to most people and all sorts of images are conjured up – do you remember the Sony Walkman?  Pac-Man?  Rubik’s Cube?  ‘That’ wedding in Neighbours? There were a couple of royal weddings too!  But those weren’t the only important couplings in the 1980s because that’s when two solicitors, Mr Lawson and Mr Thompson, established the firm Lawson and Thompson.

Quite a lot has changed since the 1980s.  The royal marriages didn’t last, the Sony Walkman has long since been superseded, and Pac-Man was gobbled up by better games a long, long time ago. 

Rubik’s Cube is still doing well, though! 

And so are Lawson and Thompson.

While times have certainly changed, we’re still doing what we’ve always done – looking after our clients with plain-speaking, uncomplicated legal advice in all areas of High Street law with still the same exceptional customer service values now as we had then.

We have four partners and two associate solicitors, and with a combined legal experience of 150 years you can be confident that the person dealing with your matter is an experienced solicitor.  And unique to us, as well as our solicitors we also have an in-house barrister.

We give all our clients direct lawyer contact details, which makes it easier to get hold of your lawyer quickly if you need to.  And we offer all of our new clients First Free Advice, which is a cost free way of making your initial enquiry to find out if we can help you with your legal issue. 

Whether you’re a new or previous client, please feel free to call us for a no obligation chat or pop in to see us at one of our offices in Bedlington or the Law Shop in Blyth.

The Law Shop is unique in Northumberland, offering you a chance to call in at your convenience to talk face-to-face and in confidence with an experienced lawyer whenever you need us most. 

We’re constantly working to find ways to make ‘the law’ less of a struggle and more convenient and accessible to everyone.

If you need us, we can offer fixed-fee advice for most matters including divorce and you can even start the process off from your own computer or mobile device wherever you are and whenever you want to, with our unique online divorce wizard - accessible 24 hours a day to get the ball rolling even when our Law Shop and offices are closed.

If you’re unable to attend the clinics at the Law Shop or your matter is more complicated and detailed then all our branches offer a fixed fee appointment “Ask the Legal Expert” of £60 for Criminal Law, £66 for Family Law, and £110 for Civil Law (download more details here). 

“Ask the Legal Expert” is a superb budget option to talk in more detail to an experienced lawyer about your problem, be that family, consumer law-related etc, and identify the issues and solutions to them to give you a better idea of how to move your matter on to the best possible conclusion.

Our personal injury department has been established for years now and you can still come to us for genuine ‘no win, no fee’ personal injury advice.  We genuinely won’t charge our clients a fee or a percentage even when we win a case.  There are many firms that will charge you up to 25% of your damages – we won’t do that.

For example, we recently settled claims on behalf of many clients in Northumberland for more than £350,000 arising from a major medical error, and all our clients received the full amount and didn’t have to pay us a fee or a percentage. 

Don’t just take our word for it, see what our clients have to say about us­.  In fact, our most recent customer satisfaction survey generated 100% positive feedback in this area.

Top quality solicitors in Bedlington and Blyth

We’re very proud of our people as well. 

So many of our staff have been with us for years and years now, and the quality of our team is vouched for with our Lexcel Accreditation and specialist panel accreditations with the Law Society for family law, conveyancing and criminal law.

We’re pleased to support our community and sponsor the Ashington CFC Juniors under 13s team as well as the Alnmouth Beer Festival each year – because after exercise comes pleasure!

Graham Crouth with Making Winter Warmer has gone the extra mile and slept out for World Homeless Day on October 10th last year – probably one of the coldest nights of the year, and raising funds and awareness for a very worthy cause.

We also regularly sponsor the Newcastle Northern Junior Open at Northern Squash Club on Great North Road. This event takes place in February each year with boys and girls from under 11s through to under 19s, and it’s a regional competition that attracts the best squash players from Newcastle, Northumberland, Durham and Cleveland, Cumbria and some from Yorkshire and further afield.

The contact details for each of our offices in Bedlington and Blyth can be found below. 

We’re a friendly firm, we welcome all calls, and we’d love to help you. 

(And, unlike Rubik’s Cube, we promise to make life simpler!)

Expert legal advice you can rely on,
get in touch today:

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