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Family Law

Each family is incomparable and will have different needs as they go through varied milestones together, grow, separate or change. We specialise in supporting families of all shapes and sizes through all types of change. We provide a supportive environment and practical help, recognising that each family is unique and will require a personalised approach to their situation and needs.

For those looking to start the next chapter of their lives together by living together for the first time, our family law team can help couples map out expectations in a Cohabitation Agreement (or Living Together Agreement) and agree on what might happen in the event that things don’t work out. It may seem like a very unromantic way to approach an exciting time, but a Cohabitation Agreement can help avoid arguments later on and is also a good way of creating certainty for you both.

A Prenuptial Agreement acts in a similar way to a Cohabitation Agreement, but is designed to put safeguards in place for couples prior to getting married. This document sets out fair and realistic positions for each person, making the process clear should the couple wish to separate further down the line. While the best case scenario is for couples to never have to rely on the Prenuptial Agreement, having one in place means disagreements can be settled more amicably and that any eventualities were considered fairly in advance. To be valid, the agreement must be entered into no later than 21 days before the marriage.

Separation at any stage of a relationship can be one of the most emotionally difficult experiences a person can have. This tension and hurt can be further exacerbated if there are children involved. It is our job to ensure this stressful process is made as easy as possible. Our team of family law solicitors are understanding, approachable and will take the time to consider your needs as well as your family’s. We have experience in supporting families both through divorce and civil partnership dissolutions.

There are various things to consider during a separation. First and foremost, if you have children, you want to know who will have custody, if there will be a split between where your children live, what the visitation rights for each parent will be, and if there will be any financial support to help you raise your children. Getting unbiased support when it comes to child arrangements can be a huge help. Our team are fully qualified and are recognised under the Law Society’s Children Law accreditation. We can represent the best interests of your child and help to achieve an outcome that will best serve their welfare needs. Each of our family lawyers is a trained mediator and will take a non-confrontational approach throughout the process. Our focus is to look at mediation in the first instance to help you and your former partner come to an agreement outside of court. If this is not possible, we will also represent you at Family Court.

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