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Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Probate

The power of planning ahead should not be overlooked when it comes to something as important as protecting your estate, ensuring the financial wellbeing of your family after you’re gone, and having your last wishes legally protected. The only way this can be guaranteed is by having early conversations with both experienced legal professionals and loved ones.

Our Wills and probate solicitors in Swindon and Wiltshire respect that thinking about a plan for what should happen after our mortality can be a confronting subject and, at the same time, a highly personal one. No two people will have the same wishes, the same needs for their family and loved ones or the same assets that will need to be distributed or held in trust. In choosing to plan ahead early, you’ll have the benefit of a complete peace of mind knowing you’ve legally protected these interests.  

We help clients to do this in a number of ways, namely writing a Will or updating an existing Will following life changes; drawing up Lasting Power of Attorney documents to allow a trusted person in your life to make decisions on your behalf if you’re no longer able to or no longer want to; or creating an Advance Decision, also known as a Living Will, to indicate your medical and care wishes whilst still alive.

If someone close to you has passed away and named you as the executor of their estate, it can be distressing trying to ensure all of the legal processes are followed accurately and your family member or friend’s wishes are carried out as they wished. Having some extra support to sift through the legal aspects of probate can be a real help while you’re trying to grieve, which is why we offer a legal support service or can take care of all the probate processes for you.

The services our understanding Wills and probate team cover include:

  • Court of Protection
  • Deputyship
  • Estate administration
  • Inheritance and Tax Planning
  • Living Wills
  • Making a Will
  • Power of Attorney
  • Probate
  • Property transfers
  • Trusts
  • Will and inheritance disputes

If you’d like to protect your last wishes or you need support administering a loved one’s estate, call our team to see how we can help on 01249 489 170.

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