If you’ve been injured in an accident, be it on the road, in the workplace or elsewhere, you could be eligible for compensation so it’s certainly worth your time pursuing a claim. It doesn’t matter how big or small your injury is – if it’s affecting any area of your life, then compensation is key since this can offer you financial support at a time when you may need it the most.
In order to make a claim, the accident must not have been your fault and there must be a third party involved that partial blame for the incident can be attributed to. You can either claim for special damages (items that have a fixed value like doctor’s bills or loss of earnings) or general damages (loss of amenity or pain and suffering).
To win the case, you’ll need to be able to prove that there is someone responsible – a person or organisation – against whom a claim can be made and that those involved had a duty of care to prevent injury to people… and perhaps most importantly, that there were reasonable steps that could have been taken to prevent the accident happening to you.
You’ll also need to prove that the injury you sustained was because of the failure of those involved to take these reasonable steps.
So if you have suffered an accident that wasn’t your fault, you’ll need to get in touch with Stockport injury claim solicitors QualitySolicitors if you do want to pursue a claim for what happened. To find out more, get in touch with our team today.