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Discrimination at work

Being treated unfairly is unpleasant and upsetting. If that is because of a prejudice someone holds, QualitySolicitors will support you to gain fair treatment or make a claim.

Discrimination is illegal, more than that it is abhorrent. Being treated differently because of your gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation or because you are pregnant or have a disability is totally unacceptable. When it occurs, there are procedures to challenge it. Any business or individual can be challenged as to why they allowed discriminatory behaviour to occur. And ultimately, they can be asked to explain this to a court called an Employment Tribunal.

Discrimination is upsetting. Dealing with the fallout can be tough. Our expert lawyers can help you make a claim or resolve a disagreement. Before proceeding to court, there are other procedures to explore with you. QualitySolicitors can explain what discrimination is, how the law protects you and what options you have. We are clear about the likely costs, timescales and what outcomes may be achievable. Everything is explained without legal jargon.

To discuss your situation call us today on 01618 250 969.

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Discrimination at work

Being treated unfairly is unpleasant and upsetting. If that is because of a prejudice someone holds, QualitySolicitors will support you to gain fair treatment or make a claim.

Expert legal advice you can rely on,
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