Kelsey Elward



Kelsey completed her secondary education at Tonyrefail Community School. After completing her A-levels, Kelsey studied Law at Swansea University obtaining a Second Upper Class Honours Degree in 2022. Kelsey has recently graduated from the University of South Wales where she completed the Legal Practice Course combined with a Masters, obtaining a Distinction overall.


Throughout her education, Kelsey gained legal experience in various roles alongside her studies. Whilst at Swansea University, Kelsey was part of the Law Clinic, a pro bono service, that benefits the local community by offering free initial advice on matters regarding lasting powers of attorney, housing and contracts of employment. Kelsey’s passion for such services continued whilst studying at the University of South Wales, where she volunteered as a Student Advisor in the Legal Advice Clinic. This involved interviewing clients and drafting a free Letter of Advice in the hopes to assist them with their legal issues. Kelsey has undertaken voluntary work experience in various different areas of Law including; Conveyancing, Criminal Law and Employment Law.


Kelsey loves being outside in nature as it brings her a sense of peace. She likes to find unfamiliar places to explore and take pictures of the wildlife and scenery. Spending time with family and friends is particularly important to Kelsey. She ensures to be available for everyone in her life on a regular basis whether this is just going for a coffee or for a walk.  

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