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Mergers, acquisitions and disposals

Buying, selling or merging a company requires careful consideration. It also requires expert legal guidance. QualitySolicitors has extensive experience in helping businesses do this successfully.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals are involved transactions. Many other parties, such as advisors and bankers, are involved. Preparation is crucial. Appraising the target business thoroughly is important. Having the required financial and legal agreements, undertaking the negotiation and conducting due diligence are all critical steps to complete. The price and deal structure you agree need consideration too.

QualitySolicitors works with you to successfully realise the deal that is right for you. We have some of the best lawyers in the UK. We explain what you need to do, and when, in simple terms. We make sure you understand what is happening so any decisions you take are done with confidence. You know upfront what our costs are and we promise to deal promptly with any questions you ask.

With our experience, you can trust QualitySolicitors. You can trust us to help your transaction go through smoothly. Take the first step and call us today on 01446 411 000.

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Jeremy Davies

Expert legal advice you can rely on:

Buying or selling a business

If you are buying a new business or selling one you own, or are in the process of merging or investing, expert legal advice ensures your deal is done properly. Many business owners across the UK trust QualitySolicitors to take care of their deal.


If you manage or are interested in buying or selling a franchise you will need expert legal advice. Advice from a specialist who knows how a franchise works - QualitySolicitors has some of the best lawyers in the UK who will offer you the expert and specialist advice you need.

Management buy outs/ins and private equity

QualitySolicitors can support you to either buy in to a business, to buy out a business or consider outside investment. Agreeing to do any of these is a risk. Our expert lawyers help you understand the risks and to plan for success.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals

Buying, selling or merging a company requires careful consideration. It also requires expert legal guidance. QualitySolicitors has extensive experience in helping businesses do this successfully.

Expert legal advice you can rely on,
get in touch today:

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QualitySolicitors is the largest network of law firms in the UK, with local law firms spanning the whole of England and Wales and customer service at the heart of everything we do.

We are dedicated to providing the highest quality legal advice and expertise for our clients, but in a way that’s far friendlier, more accessible and clear-talking than you might expect from a law firm.