Tim Hackett
Tim is the Head of the Care Departments. Tim is a solicitor advocate with Higher Rights of Audience.
Education: Tim started his education at Queen Elizabeth 1st Grammar School, Alford, Lincolnshire. Following this Tim enrolled at Exeter University to study Law. On graduation from Exeter University Tim moved on to Chester Law College to study for his Law Society Finals and obtain his status as a legal professional. Tim graduated from his finals and quickly obtained his first legal role in Eversheds.
Career: Tim qualified in 1989 and joined J A Hughes in 1991. He became a Partner in 1993 and has responsibility for the running of the Criminal and Care departments. In October 2022, Tim became a consultant for the firm.
Tim's most celebrated case is probably Mr and Mrs W -v- 1.) Vale of Glamorgan Council 2.) AG 3.) JG 4.) the Childrens' Guardian [2004] EWHC [Fam} (2004) 1FLR 1119. This case involved two international celebrities, one an American citizen and one a Somali citizen. The subject child was also an American citizen. Proceedings had taken place before a New York Court but the child had been resident in the UK with mother. Care proceedings were brought. This high profile case involved international jurisdictions and also raised issues relating to the Protocol which had only just been introduced. Tim was involved in a number of hearing in the High Court including the contested final hearings before Mr Justice Hedley. Tim is an experienced child care lawyer conducting care cases at all levels. As a member of the Children Panel for 25 years, he deals with most advocacy himself.
Memberships: Tim is a member of the Law Society Children Panel.
Leisure: Tim spends his spare time taking an active role in the local Church. He has previously been a trustee for 4 charities, one of which has a national profile. Tim enjoys travelling, historical buildings and regularly attends the gym.