Our blog

  • Posted on June 13, 2024
    What is an executor of a will? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Role

    An executor of a will is a person appointed by the testator (the person who makes the will) to administer their estate after death. Being named as an executor in a will is a significant responsibility, reflecting the trust placed in you by the testator. The role comes with a host of duties that are critical to ensuring the wishes of the deceased are honoured, and the estate is distributed according to the will. But what exactly does an executor’s role involve, who is eligible to be named as an executor, and is it possible to renounce this duty? Discover the answers in our comprehensive guide.
    Posted in: Blogs, Articles
  • Posted on February 7, 2024
    Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process for all parties involved, and when children are part of the equation, the complexity and impact on their well-being become even more profound. Navigating child custody arrangements during a divorce requires careful consideration, empathy, and a commitment to prioritising the well-being of the children. At QualitySolicitors Large and Gibson, we emphasise that the key to a successful resolution lies in putting the children's needs first and striving to reach agreements that work for everyone.
    Posted in: Blogs
  • Posted on January 30, 2024
    Embarking on the exciting path to home ownership is a thrilling adventure, brimming with anticipation and dreams of a new chapter in your life. In the intricate journey of buying a home, conveyancing plays a pivotal role. This guide unravels the complexities of conveyancing costs, offering unique insights and 15 essential tips for a seamless and stress-free home-buying experience.
    Posted in: Blogs
  • Posted on July 15, 2019
    “I have an ex-employee who left to join a competitor company. I am furious. Her contract of employment had a non-competition clause in it to prevent this situation. I am likely to lose business to this competitor. What can l do about it?”
  • Posted on May 1, 2018
    Quality Solicitors Head Office has just released figures following their sponsoring of Barnardo’s Will month where member firms were asked to write wills under the scheme, which allowed anyone over 55 years of age to have a will prepared by member firms FOC.

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