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Buying or selling a business

If you are buying a new business or selling one you own, or are in the process of merging or investing, expert legal advice ensures your deal is done properly.

Any company transaction is complex - even the seemingly straightforward ones. Our specialist lawyers ensure you and your business are protected from the start. For example, what about confidentiality agreements? Is your deal properly and legally reflected in your contract? What issues did the due diligence process uncover - and have these been resolved? Are there any tax implications?

You will face so many questions. QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson helps business owners like you with the answers. We work with business owners across the UK who trust us with their deal. We make complex legal matters easy to understand by using plain and simple English. Our likely costs are explained at the start so you don’t get any nasty surprises. And we deal with your queries promptly as we know your time is precious.

To see how we can help us please call us today on 02392 296 296.

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Michael Rowland

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QualitySolicitors is the largest network of law firms in the UK, with local law firms spanning the whole of England and Wales and customer service at the heart of everything we do.

We are dedicated to providing the highest quality legal advice and expertise for our clients, but in a way that’s far friendlier, more accessible and clear-talking than you might expect from a law firm.