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Power of attorney

QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson help clients, both local to Portsmouth and those with family further afield with General Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Lasting Powers of Attorney. We assist clients to plan and protect themselves and loved ones and deal with situations where someone is unable to manage their affairs on their own.

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)

If you want to plan for the possibility that one day you may not be able to manage your affairs due to age, illness or disability then you might want to make and LPA. An LPA is a legal document which gives another person (called your attorney) authority to manage your affairs if you were unable to do so. This could be going to the bank to sign something, if you couldn't get there, or to make decisions about your affairs and wellbeing if you were unable to do so.

We look at LPAs as something like an insurance policy- you hope not to have to use it but it's there if ever you need it, and the people involved and condtions of the LPA are of your choosing. Appointing an attorney in an LPA gives you the peace of mind that your affairs will be managed by who you would want how you would want. It’s not possible to create an LPA once you’re unable to make your own decisions.

QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson can help with all aspects of creating an LPA - choosing attorneys, deciding what type of LPA is right for you, preparing the forms and correctly registering the documentation with the Office of the Public Guardian.

Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA)

You can no longer make an EPA but if you already have one, this is still valid. We can provide you or your attorneys with advice and assistance with registering an EPA or, as EPAs did not deal with decisions and your health and welfare, you might want to discuss creating a Health and Welfare LPA together with your EPA.

To find out more and discuss your options, contact us on 02392 296 296 today. Remember we promise no hidden costs so there will be no unexpected bills and no surprise costs.

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Cara Sandillon-Charlton
Probate Solicitor

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