Dear Michael
Thank you for your briefing to Councillors last Friday which was very well received. I have since received an email from our Chair and other members of the Council expressing their personal thanks for the opportunity to be updated on the role and responsibilities of a trustee and also conveying that you did a good job. They were also grateful for the handouts you issued which has helped Sarah and I to consider changing our Councillor Induction pack.
As you know we run PETA in an open and transparent manner and encourage Councillors to challenge our decision making and to meet with department managers and staff without the presence of the CEO. Whilst many of the things you were advocating are already operational there are some things that could be improved and we will of course look to address in the coming months.
Again, many thanks for your input it was gratefully received and much appreciated. Perhaps we should look to repeat the event on a 3 year cycle?
With all good wishes
Bob Hiskey