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Will Writing from QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson

1 in 4 wills in a recent study by the Legal Services Board failed their official assessment, meaning they were either completely invalid or didn’t properly reflect what the person wanted to happen. Getting the right person to prepare your will is vital.

QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson can provide you with a will writing service that is individually prepared by local expert lawyers, giving you complete peace of mind that they are legally valid and that your wishes will be followed. Whether you want to ensure your family is provided for or have complex financial planning requirements, we will be able to assist in creating a will to suit your needs. For more information on the cost of making a will and the types of wills that we can prepare for you, please see the breakdown below. Please note VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate.

What type of will do i need

We offer three different types of will, each of which is then tailored to your particular circumstances by our expert lawyers.

Straightforward Wills

  • Decide who gets what – leave gifts to friends, relatives or charities.
  • Appoint a Guardian to take responsibility for any children.
  • Set out any funeral wishes
  • Appoint the person you wish to carry out your will.
  • Free lifetime storage (many firms charge an annual fee for this service).
  • Free signing service (we provide independent witnesses to ensure your will is valid).
Typical price
£295 plus VAT (single)
£395 plus VAT(couples)
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Life Interest Trust Wills

  • Everything that a Straightforward Will provides, plus:
  • Provides for more complex circumstances and subsequent marriages or partnerships, and different family structures;
  • Includes advice in relation to care funding and possible ways to ring-fence and protect family home;.
  • Allows a discussion and consideration of gift to young children prematurely to protect beneficiaries.
Typical price
£495 plus VAT(single)
£695 plus VAT(couples)
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Discretionary Trust Will

  • If you have assets (including property) over the Inheritance Tax threshold (currently Nil Rate Band £325,000 plus Residential Nil Rate Band £175,000) you may benefit from more detailed advice on how to minimise the tax paid through your will. If you own a business this may also be a more suitable option for you.
  • Our lawyers are experts in structuring your will to maximise the assets left to your friends and family, potentially saving you many thousands of pounds.
  • Financial provisions to provide on-going care of a person with a disability.
  • Discretionary Trusts
Typical price
£595 plus VAT(single)
£895 plus VAT(couples)
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Next Steps

If you have any questions about our wills or us or want some help deciding what to do next, complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to discuss at no cost to you.

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