Kate Jones

Associate Partner


I recognise that each client has individual needs and make sure that I do everything possible to ensure that your case is dealt with as quickly as possible and with as little stress and upset as possible. 

I will always attempt to achieve the best outcome for you without issuing Court Proceedings. However, if Court Proceedings are necessary I am an experienced litigator and will be able to see your case through to the end with you.

I have extensive experience in conducting care proceedings and other public law proceedings as well as Special Guardianship applications both freestanding and within care proceedings. If social services become involved with your child, we provide advice and representation to assist you during this difficult time.

Kate Jones - Awards and accreditations

  • Children Law 24

News and media

  • News
    • Posted on January 21, 2020
      Making the decision to separate or divorce is not easy, especially when there are children involved. You could be feeling a sense of shock, sadness or anger as well as worrying about how your separation will affect your children and relationships with family and friends. There are probably financial and practical worries bubbling away too. A distressing time becomes overwhelming if your ex-partner says they are going to stop you from having contact with your children. There are many reasons for this, and contact denial can happen at any time – not just immediately after separation or divorce.

      Here we talk about what you can do to make sure child access arrangements are fair to everybody, and most importantly, that your children’s welfare is at the core.
    • Posted on January 9, 2020
      The decision to divorce is never easy. It’s an emotional rollercoaster, whatever your circumstances. Being in a relationship can feel like a comfort blanket, and separation can leave you with a cold sense of loss. You might be scared about starting again on your own, or excited, or both. If you have children you’ll be worried about the impact on their wellbeing, and you may also be worried about child and financial arrangements.

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