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Legal health check for businesses

QualitySolicitors can help you take some time to check the health of your business. Do you have the appropriate legalities in place, where are you at risk and what needs an update are all questions we help you to answer.

Every business is aware they have certain legal obligations. Taking time to review your business and the law in a proactive way can be helpful. Is your business structure still right for you? Would a limited liability partnership be more apt? What happens in the event of a retirement or worse still, the death of a director or shareholder? Is your business lease due for review soon? What if key employees were to leave, what legal safeguards do you have to protect your business and to prevent them taking your customers or ideas?

Conducting a legal health check can help you step back from your business. It can help you think how well protected it is. QualitySolicitors can help you conduct a legal health check. You will be asked to share your documents with one of our expert lawyers. Options will be discussed, advice offered in simple terms without any legal jargon. If you decide to take action, likely costs, timescales and actions will be confirmed. And if no action is required, you can rest assure your business is in a healthy condition.

To find out about the QualitySolicitors legal health check, please get in touch on 01978 880 276.

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Andrew Holmes
Jessica Roberts
Mark Davies
Senior Partner
Wrexham, Mold

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