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Are you owed money? Have you exhausted all avenues to be paid what you are owed?

It is never nice when a company or an individual owes you money.

Whilst it is always advisable to try and resolve disputes in respect of money directly with a debtor before seeking legal advice, this does not always work. Here at Quality Solicitors J A Hughes one of our experts will be able to advise you as to whether or not you have a good claim in respect of the money you are owed and the likelihood of recovery.

More often than not, a simple letter from a solicitor threatening the commencement of legal proceedings will prompt a debtor to pay an outstanding debt or at least come up with proposals for repayment.

Should this not work then legal proceedings may be the only option left. Successfully obtaining a Court Judgement, however, is only the first step to recovering your money.

Before considering legal action, it is always worth bearing in mind:

  • Is the outstanding debt is legally owing in the first place?
  • Can the debtor be traced?
  • Can the debtor afford to pay the outstanding debt?

If the answer to any of the above questions is ‘no’, this will reduce the chances of recovering what is owed to you. If, however, all questions can be answered ‘yes’ then there is a good chance of recovery.

If you think you are owed money for whatever reason then please do get in contact with us and one of our experts will be happy to help you recover what is rightfully yours.

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