• Posted on February 5, 2024
    Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process for all parties involved, and when children are part of the equation, the complexity and impact on their well-being become even more profound. Navigating child custody arrangements during a divorce requires careful consideration, empathy, and a commitment to prioritising the well-being of the children. At QualitySolicitors JA Hughes we emphasise that the key to a successful resolution lies in putting the children's needs first and striving to reach agreements that work for everyone.
    Posted in: Blogs, Articles, Articles
  • Posted on August 2, 2017
    It is never nice when a company or an individual owes you money.

    Whilst it is always advisable to try and resolve disputes in respect of money directly with a debtor before seeking legal advice, this does not always work. Here at Quality Solicitors J A Hughes one of our experts will be able to advise you as to whether or not you have a good claim in respect of the money you are owed and the likelihood of recovery.
    Posted in: Blogs, Blogs
  • Posted on February 1, 2017
    It is common knowledge that we should all have a will, or we take the risk that our wishes may not be abided by, but all too often we do not even consider giving a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) or just put it off to a later date, by which time it may well be too late. There is also a misconception that an LPA has to be something that you only need to consider once you reach a certain age but anyone can lose capacity at any point in their lives, whether it be through an accident or illness. The Alzheimer’s Society estimates that by 2025 there will be one million people that will be living with Alzheimer’s and it will be essentially impossible for these people to deal with their own finances.
    Posted in: Blogs, Blogs
  • Posted on January 24, 2017
    How to make a claim if you have an accident whilst on a winter sports holiday

    With winter sports season in full swing, QualitySolicitors has developed ten top legal tips on how to claim for compensation if you are unfortunate enough to suffer an accident on the slopes that wasn’t your fault:
    Posted in: Blogs, Blogs
  • Posted on January 18, 2017
    Every landlord lives in fear of their tenants becoming ‘nightmare tenants’. Your property is usually the most expensive thing you own so it’s essential to ensure that you have the right people living in your property. Unfortunately, even the most experienced landlords can find themselves involved in a long and costly process of reclaiming their property should things go wrong.
    Posted in: Blogs, Blogs

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