News archive: June 2012

  • Posted on June 28, 2012
    The Court of Appeal has today handed down judgment quashing convictions in S , B and C where fresh medical evidence undermined the safety of their convictions . This case demonstrates the importance of challenging medical evidence and and the willingness of the Court of Appeal to receive such evidence which undermines the safety of convictions obtained on such evidence .
  • Posted on June 23, 2012
    Mark Newby from QualitySolicitors Jordans has delivered another quashed conviction following the decision of the Court of Appeal on 21st June .

    In R v X [ 2012 ] The Court accepted that the directions given in the case did not adequately protect the applicant and his trial was unfair as a result . A re-trial has been ordered which means nothing can be published to identify the case .
  • Posted on June 23, 2012
    QualitySolicitors Jordans with the considerable assistance of Mark Barlow Counsel of Garden Court North Chambers have taken a major step forward in seeking to challenge unfairness to those who are or alleged to have a different sexual orientation in the Criminal Justice System .

    Permission has been given to pursue an appeal refused by both the Single Judge and the Criminal Cases Review Commission . The Full Appeal will be heard at a later date .
  • Posted on June 13, 2012
    On 27th June there will be a debate concerning the Wrongfully Accused and who should be responsible for investigating miscarriages of justice.

    This follows on from a similar debate in London and the recent publication of Wrongly accused: Who is responsible for investigating miscarriages of justice?, part of the JusticeGap series.

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