Have you ever been given a parking ticket after parking on private land and been told by your friends and family that you don't have to pay it? they will get fed up and go away? Well, this could be wrong and by the time you know it your £80 parking ticket has increased to £350 and your sitting in the Civil Courts.
In 2009 Mark Barlow and Mark Newby hosted a conference which brought all participants in the Criminal Justice System together to talk about the challenges of historical allegations . A paper was issued for that conference and has been referenced since in both the media and academic texts . You can access the paper here : The Challenges of Historic Allegations
On 29th September 2019 the authors spoke at the FACT Conference in Birmingham and took the opportunity to revisit what has been a tulmutious 10 years since then arguing that the last 10 years has led to a further decline in the prospects of the falsely accused being able to defend themselves in our criminal justice system