Whilst 3% may seem a small percentage it equates to 2.4million male victims in England and Wales. it suddenly makes you reconsider the preconceptions about domestic violence.
The reality is that men are far less likely to seek any form of help when they are in an abusive relationship and even once they have left the relationship they are still unlikely to tell anyone what they have been subjected to.
Abuse comes in a variety of forms to include emotional, physical, financial and control. Sometimes victims are not even aware that they are being abused until it is noticed by a friend or family member or indeed once they have left the relationship.
Recent news reports suggest that men are now finding the confidence to speak out about the abuse they have suffered, however, they are still in fear of facing ridicule from other men or believe that no one will take them seriously.
QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright have been able to help many men who have suffered abuse from their partners. There are several options available.
The Police may offer assistance if the abuse is physical. The Family Courts can provide a Non-Molestation Order. A non-molestation order prevents an individual from contacting you, approaching you, threatening you or attempting to harm you. Additional provisions can also be made to ensure their removal from your home. Sometimes a warning letter to your former partner can be sufficient to settle matters.
In addition to the legal assistance available to men, there are also a number of support groups for men who find themselves in this position.
If you need any additional information regarding this article please contact our family department on 01905 721600