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Domestic Abuse during the UEFA Euros 2024

The Euros is a reason for many proud football fans to party and enjoy themselves; however expectation can often turn into anguish and conflict at the kick of a ball.

Incidents of Domestic Abuse have been known to increase when England play.


Suzanne Oldnall, Head of the Domestic Abuse Team at QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright, says, ‘Although football doesn't cause Domestic Abuse, the increased intake of alcohol coupled with the intense emotions relating to these games means the likelihood of abuse is significantly increased.

There are also often disagreements as a result which can lead to abuse. These can range from arguments about what’s on the television to people spending more money and more time with their friends.’

Help is available to anyone suffering from Domestic Abuse during this time in the Worcestershire area.  West Mercia Women’s Aid will be manning their usual 24 hour helpline on 0800 980 3331 and QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright Domestic Abuse Drop In Centre will be available during normal office hours Monday – Friday 9:30am - 4pm for legal help.  They will also be manning a legal helpline at weekends starting Saturday 15th June 2024 through to Sunday 14th July 2024 between 10:00am – 4:00pm for advice and to arrange emergency injunctions if required when the Courts are open.  Suzanne or a member of the Domestic Abuse team can be contacted on 07715 677130.

In an emergency always dial 999 and contact the Police Service.


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