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What Do I Do If I Am A Victim Of Domestic Abuse?

Whilst for many the only problem being required to stay at home is boredom, for others it is the requirement to stay in the same house as the person who is being domestically abusive to them. Domestic abuse takes many forms physical, emotional and financial. It affects both women and men, from all backgrounds, all ages and all social classes. There is no “typical” victim or perpetrator.

Please see the below links to an article written by Emma Benyon-Tinker for the and websites.

Emma is a collaboratively trained lawyer, a trained mediator and Resolution Accredited Specialist. She can deal with all aspects of family disputes, including divorce, civil partnership dissolution, financial issues, cohabitation disputes, pre-nuptial agreements, domestic abuse and all children issues. To contact Emma please call 01392 285000 or email her on

Posted in: Domestic Abuse

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