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Family Law Fact Sheets
Expert legal advice you can rely on:
- Family Law
- Adoption
- Arrangements for Children
- Divorce and Separation
- Domestic Abuse
- Family Law Fact Sheets
- Legal Matters Regarding Children
- Living Together
- Mediation
- Pre-Marital Agreements
Family Law
In today’s modern world there is no such thing as an ‘average’ family or ‘normal’ relationship. You may be married, living together, or separated. Children, step-children or adopted children are perhaps living with you or living elsewhere. Grandparents or other family members could also be involved. Whatever your situation, relationships can sometimes break down and that’s when turning to a legal expert can really help you to resolve difficulties quickly.
If you decide to adopt a child, either in the UK or from overseas, having expert legal advice is key. Dunn & Baker Solicitors can support you in this highly complex legal area.
Arrangements for Children
When a relationship breaks down and children are involved, your main concern will be to protect their wellbeing. At Dunn & Baker Solicitors we make your children our number one priority too. We never lose sight of the fact that your children’s wellbeing comes first.
Divorce and Separation
If you are contemplating divorce or separation, it is helpful to obtain legal advice as soon as possible so that you know what your options are. If you decide to proceed with a divorce or separation, it is natural to have lots of questions about the process. This might include the impact on your children, home, possessions and finances.
Domestic Abuse
If you are in an abusive relationship or you feel threatened and intimidated, it can be difficult to know where to turn to for help. It is important not to suffer in silence. Asking for help is the first step to try and resolve the situation.
Family Law Fact Sheets
Legal Matters Regarding Children
If you are contacted by Children's Services for any reason, having expert legal advice is vital. Dunn & Baker Solicitors can support you at this difficult time.
Living Together
More couples are now choosing to live together and share their lives without getting married. Whilst emotionally you may feel no different to a married couple; under the law, couples that live together without getting married do not share the same legal rights as those who marry. This can make things difficult if the relationship breaks down in the future particularly in regards to finance and property. If children are involved, it is also important to protect their future as well.
Dunn & Baker Solicitors are pleased to be able to offer an additional service of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). There is an increasing sense of expectation and in some instances requirement by the courts to encourage parties, whether they are former partners or business contacts, to explore a solution to the dispute in question by utilising ADR. We are able to offer mediation and also Collaborative Family Law as two independent processes to assist discussion, reduce impasse and increase the prospects of reaching an agreement that both parties can, at least, live with and move forward. ADR can help to reduce both the financial and emotional cost of disputes, particularly where a family situation is being considered. These problem solving alternatives can enable the parties to set their own priorities and agenda whilst concentrating on a solution focussed outcome.
Pre-Marital Agreements
Planning a wedding or civil partnership is an exciting time and also a life event when you begin to think about your long-term future. It is hope you will have a long and happy marriage but it is also natural to wonder what the landscape might look like if you later separate or divorce.
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