With a Will in place you can relax safe in the knowledge that your wishes will be carried out should anything happen to you. Making a Will now also avoids legal problems arising for your family in the future. Often people assume that their money and possessions will automatically pass to their partners or children - but without a Will, this isn’t always the case.
At Dunn & Baker Solicitors, our legal experts have in-depth knowledge in all areas of Wills and can help you create a Will that’s right for you and your family. Don’t worry if you’ve never discussed Wills before - our friendly legal experts will put you at ease, explaining everything clearly with no legal jargon. We offer FREE initial consultation so you can have an initial chat with no obligation and with our same day response and no hidden costs promises - we make writing a Will straightforward.
So whether you’d like to create a Will or would just like to find out more about our Will writing service, contact us for a FREE initial consultation.
We are also able to register your Wills with the National Wills Register if you wish for us to do so. For further information, please speak to a member of our Private Client Team.