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Personal Injury - Your Questions, Answered

Zoe Lawden, Personal Injury Paralegal, answers your questions.

I’ve had an accident at work that wasn’t my fault, what do I do?

The first thing is to get the right medical treatment. Make sure you either attend hospital or your GP and take advice on how to manage your injuries.

Record the accident. If it was a Road Traffic Accident (RTA) then you should call your insurers and let them know what has happened. If it was an accident at work, complete the accident book or ask someone to do it for you if you are unable to do so yourself. If you had an accident in a public place, call the authority responsible for that area and record it.

Keep a journal. When you make a claim, you will need to see an independent medical expert who will prepare a report on your injuries. A journal is a good way of keeping track of what you are going through.

How much will a claim cost me?

In most circumstances, and following an assessment of your case, we will be able to offer a Conditional Free Agreement which is a no win, no fee agreement. Where this option is available, you will not be required to pay for anything throughout your claim and if the claim fails, the costs get underwritten and you will owe my firm nothing. If your claim is successful, there is a success fee deductible from your compensation.

How much compensation am I likely to get?

Every claim is different. A broken arm for one person could heal much quicker than another. One may need surgery, one may not. Until the injury has healed as best as it can, it is impossible to say how much you will receive.

There are two parts to a settlement in a claim; one relates to the actual injury and the other relates to what is referred to as ‘special damages’. These special damages include loss of earnings, travel and care, amongst other things. Again, until the injury has resolved these cannot be accurately calculated.

How long will a claim take?

If liability is admitted, a claim will take as long as your injury takes to heal as best as it can. No claim can be settled while injuries are on-going.

What is the team at Dunn & Baker Solicitors like to deal with?

We pride ourselves on being approachable and down to earth. Having been in an accident myself, I understand the process and the frustrations that go with having an accident that isn’t your fault. It really helps me best support those we act for.

To speak to Zoe for advice and to book in your free initial consultation, call 01392 285000.

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