News archive: September 2016

  • Posted on September 27, 2016
    New figures suggest that the over 65s are more likely to shun same sex marriage in favour of a Civil Partnership than those below pension age.
  • Posted on September 27, 2016
    Changes to the funding of apprenticeships are due from 1 May 2017 which will have an impact on all employers.
  • Posted on September 26, 2016
    When it is Japanese knotweed. The species was originally introduced to Britain in the mid-1800s and was thought to have great benefits. Now it is the curse of property owners. It cracks roads and foundations and destroys property values. It costs millions every year to clear away. So what should you do if you think you have an infestation?
  • Posted on September 22, 2016
    Following the sad death of the Beatles’ legendary record producer George Martin earlier this year it has now been reported that his family are involved in a dispute over money left in his Will. These sorts of disputes, usually involving celebrities, are often reported in the media, but normal people can find themselves in the same situation following the death of a close relative or friend.
  • Posted on September 13, 2016
    No one likes to be in debt and many people find the concept frightening but a side effect of life in the 21st Century is that there is a constant drain on finances: whether it is in running a business or keeping a home.
  • Posted on September 9, 2016
    The increase in the use ‘zero hours’ contracts has again hit the news.
  • Posted on September 9, 2016
    Bereavement is a sad fact of life and so all employees, at some time or another, will need to take time off work due to loss of a friend or loved one. Perhaps the worst kind of bereavement is that of a parent losing their child.
  • Posted on September 2, 2016
    Quality Solicitors Parkinson Wright is pleased to announce Sarah Phillips has qualified as a solicitor.

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