News archive: April 2022

  • Posted on April 29, 2022
    Even the most promising development can be knocked off course if the land is subject to a restrictive covenant. Restrictions of this sort can prevent land being built on or being used for specific purposes for many years, even if the development has planning permission. There are practical ways to work around restrictive covenants if you know about them, so it is a good idea to get advice from your solicitor as early as possible.
  • Posted on April 20, 2022
    When applying for probate in regard to an estate which is subject to inheritance tax, the Probate Registry requires tax to be paid before the grant of probate application. This can prove difficult as most financial institutions will not pay out sums to executors without first seeing the grant, but there are ways to deal with this dilemma.
  • Posted on April 14, 2022
    Setting up a new business is an exciting time, and there are a thousand things to think about, but if you are launching your new venture with one or more other colleagues it is imperative to decide in advance how you are going to structure it legally.
  • Posted on April 14, 2022
    When the New York Times announced in February 2022 that they had bought the popular free to play word game Wordle for a seven-figure sum, there were a few raised eyebrows. How could a game that was only launched a few months earlier, which has never generated any income, already be worth millions of pounds?
  • Posted on April 11, 2022
    First-time buyers today must find, on average, a deposit equal to a year’s salary. With almost half relying on parental assistance, the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ has never been so popular. House price affordability and the phasing out of the Help to Buy scheme make this trend set to continue.
  • Posted on April 7, 2022
    Managing risk is an essential part of any business operation and while personal relationships do not often appear high on a business risk register, an acrimonious divorce has the power to devastate a small business.
  • Posted on April 4, 2022
    Living in a privately owned block of flats where communal areas and shared facilities are managed on your behalf can work really well and promises a hassle-free lifestyle. But what happens when those responsible for looking after your building fail to do their job properly or begin levying unreasonable fees for their services or for repairs and maintenance?

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