Studying in the UK

Many students from overseas choose to study in the UK – and for some that may require a visa. This may appear daunting – working with QualitySolicitors’ expert lawyers means we help with your application so that you can concentrate on your studies.

Having a visa means you can lawfully study in the UK. The rules that you need to understand form part of a points based system. It is based upon your place of study, your course and other factors such as how you plan to fund the course, your accommodation and what plans you have when you complete your course. If anything changes during your period of study you need to be aware of the proper process to follow here. It may seem daunting but expert legal advice can make this a much less worrying time than it may first appear.

QualitySolicitors’ Immigration lawyers have successfully assisted many students to gain their visa. We understand the application process so after you tell us your situation, we explain your options, timescales and likely costs. As we work with you, we keep in regular contact, so you never wonder what is happening. We also take time to explain any restrictions on your visa. And if you intend to work during holiday times or want your family to join you, we can explain how this works too.

Contact us today on 08082747557 and ask to talk to one of our expert immigrations solicitors.


Studying in the UK can provide international students with excellent career prospects due to the high-quality education and valuable qualifications they receive. They can also develop sought-after skills and benefit from a vast network of industry connections.

The UK government's Graduate Immigration Route allows international students to remain in the UK and work for up to two years after graduation, providing an opportunity to gain work experience and establish themselves in the UK job market. Overall, international students who study in the UK can gain a competitive edge in the global job market.

The Student route replaced the Tier 4 visa on October 5th, 2020. As a student on a Tier 4 visa, you may work full-time only on a temporary contract but not on a permanent one. International students on a visa are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week during term time, while during the official vacation period, they can work full-time.

However, there are some restrictions, such as not being allowed to work in self-employment, own a business, work in the entertainment industry (paid or unpaid), or work in healthcare training unless enrolled in the foundation programme.

Students who meet the eligibility criteria may switch from a Tier 4 study visa to a Tier 2 (General) work visa according to the Home Office regulations.

To be eligible for the switch, they must satisfy several requirements regarding their course of study, job type, and salary.

As a full-time student or Tier 4 visa holder, you may bring your family with you to the UK as dependents if certain conditions are met.

These conditions include being government-sponsored and enrolled in a course lasting longer than six months, pursuing a postgraduate program lasting nine months or more, or holding a Doctorate Extension Scheme visa.

Individuals aged 16 or over may apply for a Student visa to pursue their studies in the United Kingdom, provided they meet specific requirements. These include having received an offer of admission from a licensed student sponsor, possessing adequate financial resources to cover their course expenses and living costs (which may vary depending on individual circumstances), demonstrating proficiency in English language skills, and obtaining parental consent if they are under the age of 18, for which evidence will be required during the application process.

For those aged 16 or 17 who intend to study at an independent school in the UK, the Child Student visa may be an appropriate option. It is worth noting that the Student visa has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa.

Expert legal advice you can rely on:


We know the legal process of moving to the UK can be challenging, but we are here to make it as stress-free as possible for you. Our team of specialist immigration solicitors in the UK can advise you on your case, no matter how complex. We are highly experienced and have helped hundreds of people achieve positive outcomes.


Applying for British citizenship is an option for some foreign nationals but as with any process, there are restrictions you need to know and be aware of. The specialist citizenship lawyers at QualitySolicitors make certain you are fully informed – so if you decide to proceed with your application you have the very best chance of a successful outcome.

Immigration appeals

If your immigration application has been unsuccessful you may decide that you'd like to appeal the decision. It's crucial to have expert advice - and quickly - or you risk further disappointment. QualitySolicitors’ expertise in dealing with appeals gives you the very best chance of a successful outcome.

Seeking asylum

For some people, remaining in their own country poses a very real risk to their life – therefore seeking asylum in a safe country such as the UK may be an option. Expert legal advice from QualitySolicitors’ immigration lawyers can help keep you or your loved one safe.

Studying in the UK

Many students from overseas choose to study in the UK – and for some that may require a visa. This may appear daunting – working with QualitySolicitors’ expert lawyers means we help with your application so that you can concentrate on your studies.


Applying for a visa is one of the most important steps to take when looking to move to the UK – and it can feel like one of the most complicated. Working with QualitySolicitors’ specialist lawyers, you can be certain of the very best advice presented in a straightforward way.

Working in the UK

If you want to work in the UK and you need a visa, it is important to understand there are different types of visa depending upon your situation. QualitySolicitors’ Immigration lawyers can help make your application process simpler so you can look forward to an exciting new life.

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