Professional legal advice when you’re acquiring (or disposing of) a business

Are considering acquiring a business? Or disposing of a business? It’s a far-reaching decision that will affect your long-term position; it’s also almost certainly a business transaction that’s surrounded by complicated legal principles. Investing in specialist legal advice is vital to ensure your interests are protected.

Our countrywide network of law firms has all the resources you’ll need to approach complex business law issues with the confidence that comes with having specialist legal professionals to look after your interests.

If you’re in the ‘information gathering’ stages of either acquiring a business or disposing of a business then we hope you find these pages helpful.

And then, when you need to talk to someone, Free Initial Assessment is normally a great place to start; this a free chat about your plans so we can tell you precisely how we’ll be able to help.  Call 08082747557 or send in an enquiry form and we’ll call you back.

Have a question or need some help? Call 0808 274 7557

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Expert legal advice you can rely on:

Acquiring and disposing of a business

Are considering acquiring a business? Or disposing of a business? It’s a far-reaching decision that will affect your long-term position; it’s also almost certainly a business transaction that’s surrounded by complicated legal principles. Investing in specialist legal advice is vital to ensure your interests are protected.


If you manage or are interested in buying or selling a franchise you will need expert legal advice. Advice from a specialist who knows how a franchise works - QualitySolicitors has some of the best lawyers in the UK who will offer you the expert and specialist advice you need.

Management buy outs/ins and private equity

QualitySolicitors can support you to either buy in to a business, to buy out a business or consider outside investment. Agreeing to do any of these is a risk. Our expert lawyers help you understand the risks and to plan for success.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals

Buying, selling or merging a company requires careful consideration. It also requires expert legal guidance. QualitySolicitors has extensive experience in helping businesses do this successfully.

Expert legal advice you can rely on,
get in touch today

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