Children care Solicitors

If you are the parent or relative of a child who has been taken into care, you’ll naturally want to be sure that they are being well looked after. You may wish to challenge certain decisions that are being made about the child’s welfare or you may want to make arrangements to have more contact with the child.

When children are taken into care it can be a stressful and upsetting time. At QualitySolicitors, our family law team works hard to help you understand what is happening – removing much of the uncertainty. Whatever situation you are facing, we’re here to offer a free initial assessment and provide the support you need. We can help you understand decisions made by the local authority or by the court and we can explain what rights you and the child have.

Expert advice on court proceedings

If you are dealing with child care proceedings regarding a care order or an emergency protection order, our specialist child care solicitors are here to assist you with children law and can provide you legal advice and representation for the welfare of the children. Our team of specialist solicitors are here to provide necessary legal services to ensure the best outcomes for the children, we specialise in child protection cases and we communicate with families dealing with social services. We have extensive experience in handling child law matters. If you require legal aid, our law firms that are regulated by solicitors regulation authority can assess your eligibility and guide you to secure the funding. 

Support from experienced solicitors

If you are a child in care or were previously in care and wish to make a complaint about the treatment you received, we can help you too. Our knowledgeable and approachable family law solicitors will put you at ease whilst explaining what options are available to you.

If you would like to talk about your own particular situation, please call us on 08082747557. With our free initial assessment promise, it’s easy to get answers to your immediate questions, without obligation.


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