Protector Will Services

Our Protector will service covers the most common circumstances for people needing a will. It allows you to set out precisely who you want to leave which of your assets to. It allows you to appoint a Guardian to look after any children and also to set out any funeral wishes you may have.

Protector will


  • Decide who gets what – leave gifts to friends, relatives or charities.
  • Appoint a Guardian to take responsibility for any children.
  • Set out any funeral wishes
  • Appoint the person you wish to carry out your will.
  • Free lifetime storage
    (many firms charge an annual fee for this service).
  • Free signing service Mon-Sat (we provide independent witnesses to ensure your will is valid).

Understanding the Role of a Protector in Trusts

A trust is a legal arrangement where a settlor transfers assets to a trustee, who manages them for the benefit of the beneficiary.  A protector is the one who will ensure that the trust operates according to the wishes.

Key Roles in a Trust:

The settlor: The individual who establishes the trust and provides the assets.
Trustee: The person or entity responsible for the administration of the trust, managing its assets, and ensuring the terms of the trust are followed.
Beneficiary: The person or people who benefit from the trust's assets or income.
Protector: An appointed individual who oversees the trustee's actions, ensuring they align with the settlor's wishes.

All of our Wills are tailored by expert lawyers to your particular circumstances. Although this kind of will is often referred to by law firms as a ‘standard’ or ‘simple’ will – it requires real expertise to ensure it is properly prepared. Many of our lawyers are members of the Society For Trusts and Estate Practitioners – the professional association for lawyers who specialise in this kind of work and they are professional service providers regarding wills and probate. This expertise matters – many Wills end up not being valid due to mistakes or fail to actually reflect what the person wanted to happen. The Protector will is the same type of will that many law firms often refer to as ‘standard’ or ‘simple’ will. 

As well as individual Protector wills, we offer a special ‘mirror wills’ package for couples where you each need a will but want them to, essentially, say the same thing.

Why Appoint a Protector?

A protector provides an extra layer of control over the trust. Its their responsibility to ensure that trust act in a way that best interest of the beneficiaries.

To check that this is the right product for you and for details of your local QualitySolicitors office and pricing use our Wills assistant.

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Expert legal advice you can rely on:

Wills and probate

We know that managing probate while you are grieving for a loved one is extremely difficult. Our probate solicitors are here to provide you with as much practical help as you need. We can save you from time consuming financial, legal and administrative tasks and make probate as quick and straightforward as possible.

Barnardo's Will Scheme

Contesting a will or inheritance

When someone you love and care about dies, the last thing on your mind is likely to be the financial implications. However these will often become very important. Not least to make sure the wishes are followed of the person who died. And so that you your inheritance does not end up in the wrong hands.
At QualitySolicitors, we understand that the emotional toll can be overwhelming, often overshadowing the practicalities that come with managing their affairs. Yet, attending to these matters is crucial to honouring the deceased's wishes and ensuring their legacy is preserved. Amidst the grieving process, it is essential to address financial implications promptly, safeguarding the assets and inheritance left behind.

Estate administration

Estate administration is the process of managing everything a person owns after they pass away. When someone you love dies, handling their estate can be overwhelming, but we can provide the legal advice and practical support you need. Please call 08082747557 to talk to an estate administration solicitor or fill in our contact form.

Inheritance and tax planning

Planning ahead for when you die allows you to set out clearly who should get what from your estate. QualitySolicitors can help you think through your plans and their financial impact. Our aim is to ensure that your loved ones are cared for when you no longer can.

Making a will

We know that making a will is something many people put off, but it’s the best way to protect your loved ones. With our will writing solicitors making a will is much easier than you think. To find out how we can help you to create a will tailored to your circumstances, please call 08082747557 or fill in our contact form.

Notarial services for wills and probate

If you’re dealing with wills and probate issues in a foreign country, you may find that you need to present English documentation to foreign authorities. If this is the case, it’s important to ensure your documents will be recognised. It may therefore be necessary to have the documents validated (notarised) by a Notary so that they will be accepted by a particular country’s authorities.

Power of attorney

A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document in which you name someone to make decisions on your behalf in case there is a time when you are unable to do so. Our power of attorney solicitors can advise you about all aspects of creating an LPA, so you can decide what is right for you.

To find out how we can help, please call our friendly team on 08082747557. or fill in our contact form.


For many people, trusts are a useful way to assist in tax planning and to preserve assets. There are various types of trusts and they can be created during your lifetime or by your will.

Have a question or need some help? Call 0808 274 7557

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We have more specific information on:


  • Decide who gets what – leave gifts to friends, relatives or charities.
  • Appoint a Guardian to take responsibility for any children.
  • Set out any funeral wishes
  • Appoint the person you wish to carry out your will.
  • Free lifetime storage
    (many firms charge an annual fee for this service).
  • Free signing service Mon-Sat (we provide independent witnesses to ensure your will is valid).

Protector Plus

  • Everything in a standard will plus address more complex issues.
  • Give a gift (e.g. your house) to a person for their lifetime only.
  • Stop a child receiving a gift until they turn a specific age, e.g. 21.
  • Exclude people who would normally expect to be included (e.g. wife/husband or children).
  • Provide for on-going care of a person with a disability.

Financial Protector

  • If you have assets (including property) over the Inheritance Tax threshold (currently £325,000) you may benefit from more detailed advice on how to minimise the tax paid through your will. If you own a business this may also be a more suitable option for you.
  • Our lawyers are experts in structuring your will to maximise the assets left to your friends and family, potentially saving you many thousands of pounds.

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