QualitySolicitors’ head of risk and compliance steps into new role as chair of the Law Society’s Money Laundering Task Force

Amy Bell, head of risk and compliance at QualitySolicitors is taking her position as the new chair of The Law Society’s Money Laundering Task Force.

From 1st September she will lead the Task Force that works with the Law Society to support  legal professionals around the issues, regulations and practical implications of the Proceeds of Crime Act. Her role as chair will last for three years.

Having been on the Task Force for five years, Amy is keen to step-up to chair and continue the work of the previous chairs in representing the profession. She will combine her new role with her ongoing responsibilities at QualitySolicitors, where she oversees compliance and risk management.

Amy Bell comments: “I’ve always been hugely passionate about preventing financial crime, so am thrilled to be able to represent the Money Laundering Task Force. It will be incredibly rewarding to be able to give something back to legal professionals, especially at a critical time when new legislation will come into force.”

Amy has specialised in Compliance since 2005. She provides invaluable support to over 100 QualitySolicitors’ offices with all issues of regulatory and statutory compliance including the SRA Code of Conduct, Anti Money Laundering, and Data Protection. She also provides in-house training to Partner Firms and support on Lexcel, and is always on hand to support QualitySolicitors firms by providing specialist compliance advice; from discussing issues of professional ethics, or suspicious circumstances, to looking at wider law firms’ management issues.

About QualitySolicitors:

  • Launched in 2010, QualitySolicitors is a group of law firms across the country working as part of the QualitySolicitors brand. Only one firm per local area is selected to become a QualitySolicitors partner. Customer feedback forms an integral part of the selection process.
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  • QualitySolicitors lawyers are experts in their fields dealing with both consumer and SME legal matters. QualitySolicitors offers a personal, local service but with the assurance of a recognised national brand.
  • QualitySolicitors’ website address is www.qualitysolicitors.com
  • In 2011 QualitySolicitors secured equity investment from Palamon Capital Partners, a private equity house with a £700m fund.

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