Solicitors in Oxford

Have you been searching for solicitors in Oxford and the surrounding area?  At QualitySolicitors we have over 100 branches all over the UK, each offering a range of legal specialists more than happy to give practical legal advice to help you whatever your circumstances.  Use the contact details below to get in touch with your local law firm today, or call 08082747557 if you want more information about QualitySolicitors.

no hidden costs.  And as a Truemans client you will get direct contact details for your lawyer, and if you have any questions we do everything we can to make sure you get a quick response with an answer to your query.

Want more specific help regarding some aspect of family law?

We have been around for over 30 years, so we have lots of experience in dealing with family law matters of all kinds in Oxford and around the world:

Adoption - getting accurate legal advice is essential when you decide to adopt, as things can often become complicated.

Arrangements for children - the wellbeing of children is of course vital when a relationship breaks down, so we can help advise on how to make suitable arrangements for them.

Change of name - if you want to change your name, we are sure you’ll want to ensure this is done legally and properly.

Divorce - choosing a good lawyer can really help, support and guide you through your divorce.

Domestic violence - don’t suffer in silence, we can offer confidential legal advice that really can help your situation.

Living together - many people nowadays think it is common sense to legally define their responsibilities when they move in together. It is and we can help.

Prenuptial agreements - preparing for every eventuality doesn’t have to be a negative thing, instead many people agree that defining what’s fair in the event of a break up is just sensible.

Friendly expert family law solicitors who are local to Oxford

When you need advice about anything related to family law, our solicitors in Oxford will talk you through any legal matter.


If you decide to adopt a child whether in the UK or from overseas, QualitySolicitors can advise and represent you in the proceedings.

Adoption can be complicated whether you are making the application to adopt or defending an application. We can support you throughout the whole process including representing you in court. We will explain in simple terms each stage and the personnel involved.

We have family lawyers who have many years of experience dealing with adoption applications both nationally and internationally.

Arrangements for children

When a relationship breaks down, we understand how difficult and upsetting it can be if the arrangements for children are not agreed. We can help you resolve these disputes.

It is important to reduce the upset to your children and here are some steps to reduce the impact on them – Read our full fact sheet.

  • Agree your behaviour in front of children
  • Listen to your children & ask them what they want
  • Clearly tell your children you love them
  • Never criticise your former partner in front of the children
  • Do not use your children as messengers
  • Treat your former partner with respect in front of the children
  • Try to both co-operate over issues relating to your children
  • Try to agree arrangements where both parents remain actively involved

Our team of family lawyers have many years of experience in representing parents who find themselves in this situation. A relationship breakdown is not easy and disagreements may potentially occur, but we can support you in reaching your objectives for the child arrangements.

The purpose of our role is not only to support you in child arrangements, but to represent you through negotiations with your spouse/partner. If court proceedings are necessary, we can represent you throughout the proceedings. We will explain every stage of the process and the factors the court will consider when being asked to make an order. Our service is to take the stress away from your difficult relationship breakdown and ensure you reach the legal entitlement you deserve.

We are different to many firms as we undertake as much of the advocacy in court as we can.  This means that you have the lawyer who knows your case representing you in court and presenting your case to the Judge. There are no hidden costs in our services and we don’t charge for three letters when one will cover all areas.

Care Proceedings

A local authority will start “care proceedings” if there are concerns about child/children. The local authority can apply to the court for orders to protect children.

The local authority is responsible for making sure that children living in their area receives:

  1. An appropriate standard of care and are kept safe from harm
  2. Have suitable people looking after them
  3. Listening and understanding the child’s view on arrangements for their care
  4. Make sure they have someone independent to talk to

The Local Authority may ask the court to make a care order or supervision order. 

A care order means the Local Authority are asking that the child is cared for by the council and could be placed in a foster placement; residential unit or adoptive placement if a placement order is made.  

A supervision order is where the local authority will assist, advise and befriend the child/children for a specified period – usually in the first instance between 6 – 12 months although this can be extended.

At Truemans we have extensive experience of acting for parents and children in all types of cases.  All the fee earners who deal with this type of work are members of the Law Society’s Children Panel. This means they are qualified to represent children as well as parents and have been approved by the Law Society to do so.

We know these proceedings can be upsetting for anyone involved in them and that people can feel overwhelmed. We make sure that everything is explained to you at each stage of the proceedings.

Living together

More and more couples are choosing to live together and share their lives without getting married. Whilst emotionally, you may feel no different to a married couple under the law, couples that live together without getting married do not share the same legal rights as those who marry. This can make things difficult if the relationship breaks down in the future particularly in regards to finance and property. If children are involved, it is important to protect their future . That is where we come in.

The law relating to property and assets is completely different on relationship breakdown for cohabitees than for married couples. Early advice is essential to protect your interests. We understand that every couple is different so we take time to understand your circumstances and tailor our advice to you.

We can help with information gathering, negotiations and if court action. if it comes to it. It is because we appear in court that we know what the court is likely to do in a particular case and advise you early on what is likely to happen. This can assist in keeping costs down and securing early settllement.

Prenuptial agreements

Planning a wedding is an exciting time - and also a time when you start thinking about your long-term future. You are probably looking forward to a long and happy marriage but it’s also natural to wonder what unexpected twists and turns life might bring. Be prepared.

If you are planning a wedding or civil partnership why should you think about planning for the end of your marriage? More and more couples want to plan for married life perfectly and that includes financial planning for the future, whatever it holds.

If you want to prepare for the unexpected, we can help you.

A pre-nuptial agreement sets out what should happen to your money or property in the event of relationship breakdown. It gives you both a chance to agree what is fair and we take a sensible and non-confrontational approach that puts people’s minds at rest.

We treat you as an individual and we know that you need tailor made advice. We advise that you talk to us well before the big day, so you are not under time pressure. The courts do not like people to feel under pressure to sign important documents just before a wedding.

Road traffic collisions

If another road user was careless, reckless or negligent, the repercussions could be vast. Whether your accident involved a rear end shunt or a more serious collision we have the expertise to assist you with your claim.

Having a driving accident is an unpleasant experience. The aftermath of the accident can add to the anxiety. Trying to assign liability to a reckless or careless driver or one who was just being plain stupid can take time. If liability is contested, legal advice is required. And if you are injured, this needs expert guidance to seek proper compensation.

Our friendly team and their easy to follow advice will enable you to understand the process, and guide you throughout. Costs, timescales and likely outcomes will be explained using plain and simple English. You explain fully what happened, so that we understand every detail. We investigate the circumstances of the accident, use specialists if helpful, and look to secure the best outcome possible. When we start work for you, we promise to be available to answer any queries or questions.

Our team have any years of experience dealing with matters ranging from whiplash type injuries to claims dealing with permanent injuries. If you believe you need some assistance then do please contact us and we will be more than happy to help.

Work place injuries and disease

We can help you through the claim you need to bring for damages as a result of being hurt at work. you need a lawyer to deal with your claim and we have the team for you.

If you have been hurt at work, we will take the case and secure damages where the employer has been negligent or in breach of statutory duty. We will obtain medical reports and advise on the amount of damages you should receive in compensation.

We will guide you through the process and ensure you come out the other side with the approporiate amount of compensation. Lean on our expertise.

Conveyancing solicitors in Oxford

There is always so much to plan, arrange and think about when you buy or sell property. And when you’re moving home all at the same time, that is when having an expert conveyancing solicitor really comes in useful. Leaving all the legal paperwork to a professional can be a major weight off your mind, particularly when you can trust a local conveyancing solicitor who knows the Oxford area well.

Transferring ownership of a property is a major transaction requiring complex paperwork that must be processed correctly in a timely manner for a seamless experience.  A good solicitor will also identify any potential problems with a purchase property, such as planning restrictions and flood risks.  Knowing your solicitor has checked for ‘hidden’ things like these gives valuable peace of mind when you are considering such a major purchase.

Are you looking for conveyancing solicitors in the Oxford area?

Property transactions can get complicated very quickly, but that is why we are here for you.  We are here to help with all the legal aspects of conveyancing in the Oxford area and beyond.

As experts in communications as well as law, we enjoy working with all necessary parties to ensure that everything that needs to be done is done seamlessly and quickly.  Worrying about the transaction and the paperwork is the last thing you need, which is why we will always keep you up-to-date so you always feel informed and in control.

Local advice from conveyancing solicitors in Oxford

As well as providing top quality legal advice, we have the added benefit of having many years of experience of providing conveyancing services in the Oxford area. 

At QS Truemans  we understand that people want a quick, professional and efficient service from their conveyancing solicitor.  We can explain everything in clear English rather than legal jargon, we give all our clients direct lawyer contact details, and if you ever have a question about anything then give us a call and we promise to get back to you with a quick response.

In addition, we can usually quote upfront for our conveyancing fees, so there are no hidden costs on our bill so you’ll know how much to budget.

Friendly expert conveyancing solicitors who are local to Oxford

Our team of conveyancing solicitors are in Oxford and we’re ready to help with your property transaction.

Investment and buy to let properties

More and more people are enjoying the rewards of investing in property. And buying-to-let is a great way to ensure that your property provides a regular income and strong return on your investment. The key to successful property investment is to do your homework and seek expert legal advice before investing in a property.

At QualitySolicitors we can help you with every stage of the property investment journey from choosing the right property to finding suitable tenants. We will also help ensure that your investment is sound and take care of all the legal aspects from arranging searches and surveys to drafting a sound tenancy agreement. When buying-to-let there are different legal requirements to buying your own home and so it’s always worth speaking with a solicitor who specialises in this area.

Our property lawyers provide friendly, common-sense advice for all aspects of property investment.


As a homeowner, at some point you may wish to consider remortgaging – either to take advantage of a better mortgage deal or to release money from your property. And with different mortgage providers offering different deals, you may wish to consider changing to a new lender.

At QualitySolicitors we make remortgaging as quick and simple as possible. We will guide you through the process, taking care of any paperwork and legal checks. We will also review the terms of your existing mortgage so that you don’t uncover any surprises further down the line.

Wills and probate

If like many people you have been putting off making a will, then you might want to consider what happens if you leave it. Dying without a will can cause all kinds of uncertainty for the loved ones you leave behind; how do people know if you had any final requests, what funeral arrangements to make, and perhaps most importantly what happens to your children and your assets?

If you die without a will, your assets (known as your ‘estate’) are distributed according to strictly defined legislation known as ‘probate law’. However probate law may not distribute your estate in a way that you would want. Depending on your marital status and personal circumstances, there is a possibility that your estate will not go to any of the people you might want it to go to.

Are you looking for wills and probate solicitors in the Oxford area?

Looking for friendly local advice about wills and probate in Oxford? Making a will is the best way to be sure that your estate passes smoothly and successfully to specific family and friends.

For example, if you are not married to your partner then he or she may find it very difficult to receive anything from your estate if you have not made a will. If you are married, then it’s likely that without a will your estate would pass to your spouse, but perhaps you would prefer to remember other people as well?

Making a will is the only way to pass specific parts of your estate to an unmarried partner, children, step-children, extended family or friends.

Wills and probate solicitors in Oxford

Making a will has another benefit too; so many of our clients tell us that they actually feel better after making a will.

Knowing that you have tied up all your loose ends in the exact way you want can give you peace of mind. When you make a will, you are leaving specific instructions for your loved ones that will be followed precisely.

We can advise you on any part of the law regarding wills and probate in Oxford.

Want specific help regarding some aspect of wills and probate law?

Our solicitors are more than happy to answer any questions you have about wills and probate from our Oxford office. Our specialist areas include:

At QualitySolicitors we can also help with other related services including:

Estate administration – we can guide you through the process of administering someone’s estate upon the death of a loved one.

Inheritance planning – in some cases planning ahead can reduce the amount of inheritance tax payable from your estate.

Power of attorney – ensure that your wishes are carried out when you are no longer able to make certain decisions about your wellbeing and assets. Everyone should have a lasting power of attorney because we do not kwow waht lies ahead.

Will and inheritance disputes – we can provide clarity when things seem confusing after someone dies.

Estate administration

We understand that the death of a loved one is a difficult time and sometimes the paperwork and the administration of the estate can be a daunting task.

Our probate team are able to assist whether our firm has been named as executors in the will or not. By coming to us we are able to take the workload off your shoulders and deal with all of the banks, councils and insurance companies that need to be contacted.

The key thing to consider to begin with is whether or not there is a will. We are able to contact solicitors and agencies to try and track down whether a will was ever made. If we are able to find a will then we make sure that it is valid and legally binding. Whether the estate is small or a large, complex estate with funds in different areas, we can offer you a service that is appropriate for your needs.


If you manage or are interested in buying or selling a franchise you will need expert legal advice to protect your interests.

Taking on a franchise is a legally binding agreement and it is essential to make sure that you understand all the consequences both practically, financially and most importantly legally.

There are many factors to consider and could include:-

  • what are you actually buying the rights to?
  • How much will it cost in fees to the franchisor?
  • Are there any restrictions on trade? What are the costs of supplies?
  • How do you check projections and cash flow figures?
  • And if things aren’t quite working as you hoped for, what are the conditions if you want to leave early or if the franchisor ceases to trade?

We have lawyers who are experts in this field and who can advise and represent you from the start of the transction to conclusion. If you have not yet decided whether or not to proceed, preliminary advice can be given for you to consider before making a final decision.

Management buy outs/ins and private equity

If you are looking to buy into an existing business, buy out a business or consider outside investment, QualitySolicitors can advise you and help you to understand the risks and plan for success. We provide clear and straight forward advice from the outset.

Change in business can happen for any number of reasons.  You may want to buy out existing shareholders in order to develop the growth of your business yourself.  You may have identififed a new business venture in which to invest or take over completely. You may have decided the time is right to allow existing business partners/shareholders to purchase your share of the business. 

Changing ownership of a business can be complicated. At QualitySolicitors we have experienced lawyers who have, over the years, assisted many business owners in commercial transactions whether complex or straight forward.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals

Buying, selling or merging a company requires careful consideration and also requires expert legal advice.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals are involved transactions with any number of other professionals involved. It is essential therefore to ensure that you have an experienced lawyer representing you who understands the complexities of such a business transaction.

QualitySolicitors have experienced lawyers who can assist and who have over the years been instructed by many clients to deal with their bsuiness transactions.

Business transfers

The decision to transfer a business is often straightforward. Ensuring the relevant legislation is not forgotten is where QualitySolicitors can help.

There are certain legal requirements that have to be observed when a business is transferred. Failure to do so is a problem. Employees are protected and you need to know what this means. What you can do in a transfer, and what you cannot. If you are being transferred, it helps if you know what should happen.

QualitySolicitors helps many businesses to plan and mange a transfer. Employee rights are paramount in avoiding litigation. Our expert lawyers can meet with you to listen to what your plans are. We explain what you need to do, and help make it happen. We always explain your options and the issues using plain English. And we clearly say what the likely timescales and costs are. And if a problem should occur, we are always on hand to help find you a solution.

If you're involved in a business transfer, contact us today on 08082747557 to see for yourself how we can help.

Business property

If you have a commercial property, your business will rely upon it to trade. It may be a café, shop, pub, office or warehouse – whatever it is, it needs to be cared for. QualitySolicitors can advise on leases, laws and litigation so you can carry on doing business.

QualitySolicitors has specialist lawyers to act for you and your business. We know about business property and understand commercial property matters. We will ensure your property is legally checked and verified.

QualitySolicitors helps businesses like yours. We take complex commercial property matters and make them simple. We use plain English, not legal jargon. Likely timescales, costs and outcomes are explained at the start, and we keep in regular contact throughout.

More about Oxford

Solicitors in Oxford - Image of The University of Oxford

Oxford is one of the most prestigious university cities in the world. Located in the in Oxfordshire, Oxford has a realtively small population of around 155,000 people and is the 52nd largest city in the UK.

As a popular university city, it’s extremely ethnically diverse, welcoming people from all over the world.

Oxford is home to a number of industries, including an important centre for motor vehicle production, publishing (The Oxford University Press is based in Oxford University), Science and Technology, Brewing and of course Education.

Oxfords past dates back to Anglo-Saxon times. It was originally known as “Oxenaforda” and began as a river crossing for oxen around AD 900.

During the Norman Invasion of 1066, Oxford was heavily damaged. It was during this time that the construction of Oxford Castle was ordered. The Oxford Castle still stands to this day.

The University of Oxford

Easily one the most recognisable institutions in the UK is The University of Oxford. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English Speaking world, since it was established in 1096.

The university is made up of 38 constituent colleges, with a range of academic departments which are organised into four divisions.

As one of the oldest universities in the world, it’s also ranked as one of the top universities too. Consistently ranking within the 10 ten universities in the world, and ranked first globally by the Time Higher education World University Rankings in 2019.


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This is why, in the first instance, most people looking for legal help in relation to a 'Home And Property' call QualitySolicitors for a Free Initial Assessment over the phone before requesting our Ask the Legal Expert service; which is an introductory 45-minute face-to-face consultation for £99.

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