Who has the right to say what should happen with the children?

It is the person or persons with ‘Parental Responsibility’ – they are the only ones who can make decisions that affect the child(ren) .

As a guide;

  • The natural mother will always have Parental Responsibility – unless they lose this right through adoption
  • The natural father has Parental Responsibility if he is named on the child's birth certificate (for births registered from 1 December 2003)
  • A step-parent who is married to or in a Civil Partnership with a natural parent with Parental Responsibility – the step-parent can gain Parental Responsibility either by agreement or through the courts
  • On adoption, adoptive parents acquire Parental Responsibility
  • Any other adult with whom the child lives and where the court has already made an order about the child's living arrangements (known as a residence order) – they automatically have Parental Responsibility

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